Marketing4 min

OOH: 6 physical advertising ideas for online stores

In this article, we explore the various possibilities OOH offers for ecommerce sites and how these methods can be integrated into an overall marketing strategy.

Ressources9 min

The PrestaShop Day 2024 – as if you were there

Our full summary of the PrestaShop Day 2024.

Resources7 min

The Right Way To Use Price Testing Methods in a PrestaShop Store

Conducting price testing in your store can optimize sales, profit, and customer satisfaction.

Conversion3 min

Streamlining ecommerce transactions: Enhanced security and seamlessness on any device

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to pay for purchases rapidly is crucial.

Logistics5 min

How does your return policy affect your online store's success?

In this article, we'll explore how a well-designed return policy can have a positive influence on your online store's success.

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