06/11/20235 min

Shipping: How can this crucial stage of the ecommerce process be optimized?

Shipping, though often found at the tail end of the purchasing journey, is far from a ‘last but not least’ component in terms of its significance. The 21st century consumer is increasingly wary of shipping costs, timeframes, and return policies. In this article, we delve into the integral role of shipping and fulfillment and explore how optimizing this phase is pivotal for the prosperity of your ecommerce business.

Why is the shipping and fulfillment stage so important?

Shipping is pivotal for customer satisfaction, representing a crucial interface between the consumer’s virtual buying journey and the tangible acquisition of purchased items.

According to a study published by Metapack in 2020, 27% of customers change to another retailer that had better delivery options and 37% would not be buying again from the same retailer following a bad experience.

In a fast-paced ecommerce landscape, where customer expectations are soaring, an efficient consumer-centric shipping experience and fulfillment process is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It becomes a critical factor that influences the consumer’s perception of the brand, impacts their shopping experience, and determines their level of satisfaction.

Mastering order processing: the cornerstone of customer satisfaction

From the moment a customer places an order, the countdown begins. The expedition and precision in processing and dispatching an order are decisive elements that sculpt the customer’s impression and experience with the brand. Speed and accuracy in this phase can significantly elevate the customer’s perception, transforming them into advocates for the brand. On the contrary, any delay or inaccuracies can tarnish brand reputation, trigger dissatisfaction, and generate negative reviews, risking potential loss of business.

It is, therefore, vital for ecommerce entities to implement a meticulous, robust, and expedited order processing system so that each order is handled with utmost precision and speed. Such a system acts as the backbone of customer satisfaction, ensuring that customers receive their orders promptly and accurately, thereby enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Simplifying order fulfillment and return policies

The procedures and policies governing order fulfillment and returns must be formulated with the utmost clarity and simplicity. A complicated or vague return policy can become a substantial roadblock, deterring potential customers and impinging on the brand’s credibility. The Metapack study indicated that 46% of people have been put off buying due to an unfavorable returns policy when shopping online.

In contrast, transparent policies can augment consumer trust, elevate the shopping experience, and engender a sense of security amongst buyers. They lay the groundwork for positive customer interactions and encourage favorable word-of-mouth while contributing to the enhancement of the brand image.

When customers feel supported and valued through clear and simple policies, it leads to a harmonious relationship between the buyer and the seller, paving the way for sustained brand loyalty.

Take advantage of the different modules available for shipping

The domain of ecommerce offers a plethora of integrations and modules, especially thought to refine and optimize shipping processes. The Prestashop Marketplace Shipping & Logistics modules section offers a selection of innovative solutions that can bring substantial improvements in shipping efficiency, enabling functionalities such as real-time tracking, automated label creation, and streamlined inventory management.

Selecting and utilizing the appropriate module and partner is pivotal. It not only refines and accelerates the shipping process but also mitigates manual errors and liberates precious time and resources. This newfound efficiency will allow you to focus your efforts towards other pivotal aspects of your ecommerce like product innovation, customer engagement, and service enhancements.

Should you offer free shipping?

Now, let’s talk about something that’s almost like music to the customers’ ears – free shipping! According to a study from DigitalCommerce360, 70% of customers consider free shipping as the top factor influencing their choice of online retailers. Additionally, for 43% of customers, delivery speed and options matter, and 35% also value having products in stock and ready to ship.

So, should you offer free shipping? Well, considering its significance to consumers, incorporating free shipping can undoubtedly give you a competitive edge, potentially attracting a larger customer base. However, it’s crucial to balance it in a way that it doesn’t eat into your profits. Developing strategies such as a minimum purchase threshold or selective free shipping on certain items can be effective ways to offer value while maintaining profitability.


Optimizing the shipping and fulfillment stage is without a doubt crucial in ecommerce. Shipping doesn’t just end when the customer clicks ‘buy’. The intertwining aspects of shipping – from meticulous order processing and clear return policies to thoughtful integrations and the enticing prospect of free shipping – are all pivotal components in sculpting your brand’s image and consumer perception. As ecommerce site owners, taking the time to refine each of these components is not just about keeping up, it’s about staying ahead.

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