15/07/20245 min

How does your return policy affect your online store's success?

The advent of ecommerce has revolutionized the way consumers buy products. However, this ease of access is accompanied by increasing customer expectations, particularly regarding online return policies. A flexible return policy can be a powerful driver of loyalty and conversions, even if this also entails costs and challenges that can't be overlooked. In this article, we'll explore how a well-designed return policy can have a positive influence on your online store's success.

Flexible return policies: an excellent lever to customer loyalty

In the ecommerce world, returns are often seen as a necessary evil, but they're also a great opportunity to build customer trust.

A generous return policy reassures potential buyers, especially those who hesitate to buy products online that they can't touch or try on. The figures vary in the various studies and surveys, but what is certain is that more than half of customers check the return policy before buying (statistics generally range between 50% and 80%).

Therefore, a transparent and advantageous return policy can directly impact buying decisions and conversion rates.

The beneficial impact on conversions

A clear and favorable return policy can alleviate customers' doubts and generally results in higher conversion rates. Visitors feel more confident and are less likely to abandon their carts.

By facilitating returns, you also encourage customers to try products they might not have bought otherwise. An asset in your favor that can lead to exploration and impulse buying.

Do you still have doubts about the importance of your ecommerce return policy? According to a Doddle survey, 84% of respondents say that a positive return experience with an online store encourages them to shop there again.

Expenses incurred by good return management

While the benefits of a liberal return policy are many, the associated costs can be significant.

These costs include transporting and processing returns, but not only that. The cost of refurbishing returned products and any decreases in the value of products that can't be sold again as new must also be taken into account.

Analyzing these costs and balancing them with the benefits in terms of loyalty and conversions is crucial for your online store's financial health.

Our tips for an optimal return policy

Here are some tips to maximize the benefits of your return policy, while minimizing costs:

  • Be clear and transparent: the conditions for returns must be easily accessible and understandable to avoid confusion and customer dissatisfaction. According to the Gitnux report, 27% of online shoppers abandon their cart if the return procedure is not clear.
  • Use returns as feedback: analyze patterns in returns to identify weaknesses in your product catalog or sales process.
  • Offer different return options: offer options such as in-store returns, refunds, exchanges or even vouchers, whichever makes the most sense for your ecommerce site.
  • Technology and automation: invest in technology solutions that automate and simplify the return process for you and your customers.

Clearly lay out the rules of the game: define the product-specific limits and restrictions

Setting clear limits on your return policy is both wise and essential. For example, products like underwear or personal care items are usually excluded for hygiene reasons.

Similarly, promotions or products in liquidation may be excluded from returns. Be careful, however, to communicate these limits clearly to avoid misunderstandings and abuse.

The flexibility of your return policy may also depend on the nature of the products you sell. High-value products or those that are likely to depreciate quickly require a more strategic approach.

For example, for technology products, a more restrictive return policy may be necessary to avoid significant losses due to frequent returns of rapidly obsolete products.


A well-thought-out return policy is crucial to the success of any online store. This essential component not only influences customer loyalty and satisfaction, but is also a determining factor in consumers' buying decisions. Remember, an effective return policy is more than just a tool for managing exchanges and refunds. It is a powerful lever to increase your competitiveness and ensure the long-term success of your online store.

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