15/07/20243 min

AI and SEO: What impacts on your strategy and your visibility?

With the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its increasing integration into search engines like Google, the question of its impact on SEO and the visibility of their online store is legitimate. This article will explore this issue in the form of an FAQ to respond to your questions and provide simple answers regarding the changes in SEO strategies caused by AI.

1- How is AI integrated into search engines like Google?

AI now plays a central role in the operation of search engines. Google uses advanced algorithms, like BERT and RankBrain, to understand user queries in more contextual and semantic ways.

Google and others are no longer content to simply match keywords. The vast majority of search engines are thus becoming more and more capable of interpreting the meaning behind words.

2- Does the use of ChatGPT and other AI tools change users' search habits?

Absolutely. Tools like ChatGPT allow users to get direct and accurate answers without having to go through multiple search results.

This new paradigm thus reduces the number of clicks to external sites and alters traditional web traffic.

3- What is the impact of AI on existing SEO strategies?

SEO strategies need to evolve to adapt to the changes brought by AI, especially when it comes to consumers' search habits.

However, this need for adaptation is not new. Before the ubiquity of AI, the various updates to Google's algorithm regularly redefined SEO best practices. For example, techniques based on keyword filling were already obsolete long before the arrival of ChatGPT.

That being said, one of the few SEO constants remains the importance of creating high-quality, relevant, and original content. Regardless of the technological changes brought on by Google or AI tools, this statement remains the unalterable best practice that must be kept in mind.

4- Do you need to completely rethink your SEO strategy?

In a word... No. However, if this question crosses your mind, this is the perfect opportunity to check that you are a good SEO student and that everything is properly optimized. Focus on a few key elements to make it easier.

First of all, content optimization: Here, relevance and quality are the key words. Your texts must answer users' questions accurately and correctly. Next, technical SEO: Make sure your site is technically optimized, especially when it comes to loading speed and site architecture.

Finally, the user experience (UX) plays a crucial role. A good UX is still essential because search engines take into account how users interact with your site.

5- Is blogging still relevant?

Yes, blogging is still crucial for SEO for many reasons. A quality blog that is frequently updated makes it possible to attract organic traffic by answering users' questions. Original and relevant articles also position you as a legitimate expert in your sector.

Your blog's content can also be optimized for voice searches and featured snippets. In this way, you increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results even more.

6- Can we forget about SEO with the advent of AI?

Not at all. Our apologies to those who are allergic to SEO, it remains a fundamental pillar of any visibility strategy. However, the SEO of today is very different from that of its beginnings.

Pleasing search engines is clearly no longer enough (this was already the case before the appearance of AI). Meeting users' expectations for relevant content, speed, and ease of access are pillars of SEO that are still as relevant as ever, AI or not.

7- What AI tools can help improve SEO?

Far from being contradictory, AI and SEO are as complementary as they are well matched. SEO tools also use AI, and here are some of them:

  • Semantic analysis: Tools like Clearscope or MarketMuse can help create better-targeted content.
  • Keyword optimization: Semrush and Ahrefs use AI to identify the most relevant keywords.
  • Content generation: ChatGPT, Jasper, or Writesonic, to name a few, will help you generate high-quality content. However, you should check and edit the text produced to ensure its relevance and accuracy.

8- What are the mistakes to avoid with AI and SEO?

  • Over-automation: You'd be wrong to let AI do everything. Your "human touch" is essential. Not only to ensure the quality and relevance of the information (as a reminder, ChatGPT and others still spread false information), but also to define a tone and a style that are unique to you and representative of your brand.
  • Ignoring the user experience: AI can help, but in any case, bad UX hurts your SEO.
  • Low-quality content: Never sacrifice content quality for quantity. Google's algorithms penalize low-quality or plagiarized content more than AI-generated text. As Google states, “We focus on the quality of content rather than how it's produced.”


The integration of AI into search engines and the increasing use of tools like ChatGPT are disrupting traditional SEO practices. However, these changes also offer opportunities for those who know how to adapt. By focusing on content quality, the user experience, and the efficient use of AI tools, you can not only maintain but also improve the visibility of your ecommerce. The key is to stay informed, constantly adapt your strategy, and never lose sight of the main objective: To offer quality content that meets the needs and expectations of users.

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