Think of PrestaShop as a person, speaking to people.
Our voice signature
Choose your tone, sentences and vocabulary
wisely and make it your own.
This will create a unique and distinctive voice signature aligned with our brand personality: spirited, straightforward, realistic.

Honest & spirited
We keep our tone direct and simple. We are straightforward and we keep it real.
We speak our mind, there is no beating around the bush. What you see is what you get. That’s how committed and sincere we are.
We don’t promise the moon, we are realistic and practical without being ill-mannered.
We’re spirited and bold. We perceive the business differently through a daring, fearless filter. Our tone is unexpected and we take pride in fostering our unique spirit.
We don’t think too highly of ourselves and we like to use humor when deemed relevant.

Dedicated & considerate
We have our clients’ best interests at heart, providing the highest support while striving to build a long-lasting relationship.
We are aware that not all businesses are the same nor take the same path and we remain attentive to each and everyone’s needs and ambitions.
Although we provide a top-quality service, we are not know-it-alls, and never use a condescending tone.
We remain friendly and approachable at all times.

Inspiring & empowering
We are drivers of growth and self-confidence.
We invite our users or prospects to question the status quo, to think on their own and draw their own conclusions.
We are breaking the chains of a single approach to success, not setting barriers to people’s achievements and fulfilments.
We engage our strong community, offering them new experiences and cultivating interactions.
We always keep an open mind, keen on hearing people’s thoughts, feedback and ideas.
Download all the assets you need
PrestaShop core elements available in one place to add to your creatives and communications.
More details about our brand, our mission, our vision, and our values.
Our graphic charter, including our logo, our fonts, and our colors.