
What is the difference between a Product Attribute and Product Feature?

If it’s hard for you to tell the difference between product attributes and product features, don’t panic; you’re not alone!

In this article, we’ll clarify the difference between product attributes and features, show you some great examples on PrestaShop stores and, last but not least, show you how to set both up on your online store.

Product Attributes and Product Features

The first thing you need to know about attributes and features is that they both help describe your product in detail to your customers.

However, unlike a product description, attributes and features don’t paint a picture of your product; instead, they highlight a short list of the main features that are likely to interest your customers.

Product Feature vs Product Attribute

Copying the product features and attributes right out of another website is a bad idea, not only because you risk creating duplicate content, but also because depending on your product offer, your competitor’s product features might be your product attributes.

The best way to distinguish whether a description of the product is an attribute or feature, is by asking yourself,

“Can I sell it as a separate product?”


  • If you can sell it as a separate product, it’s should be listed as a product attribute.
  • If you can’t sell it as a separate product, it should be listed as a product feature.

Take the ring sold by Macintyres below: if it comes in other materials, like gold and silver, each one can be added as a product attribute, giving customers the possibility to customize their ring setting. If it’s only available in one metal, you’d list it as a feature like they did.

Examples of Product Attributes and Features

The first step to creating something great is taking a look at some great examples. Here are 3 different shops that have successfully set up product attributes and features:


macintyres diamond solitaire ring

Unlike the previous examples, Macintyres lists their product features first. For this ring, you’ll see the weight category, cut, setting and metal used. At the bottom of the product page, customers can select the attribute, or size they’d like.

Bimba Y Lola

bimba y lola green cargo trousers

Here’s the product page for “Green Cargo Trousers.” Under product name and price you’ll find product attributes, colors and sizes. Further down the same column, you’ll find product features: cargo trousers in bluish green. Medium-waisted model and straight cut with turned hems.

Guitar from Spain

guitar from spain

This Alhambra 10FC Flamenco Guitar from Guitar from Spain has a few product attributes to pick from: the type of electronics included, as well as left or right-handed operation. If you navigate further down the page, you’ll see product features like the type of material used for the top, sides and back, neck, fingerboard and machine heads.

Adding Product Attributes in PrestaShop

Now that you know what to list for product features and product attributes, it’s time to add them to your shop.

Let’s use the ring setting example from Macintyres. From your PrestaShop back office, hover over “catalog,” then click “Product Attributes.”

If the attribute isn’t already listed, click “Add new attribute,” name the attribute (which in this case is setting metal), fill out the SEO  information and select the attribute type.

Once you click save, the product attribute should appear in the list. To add values within the product attribute, click “Add new value.” Select “Setting Metal,” the new attribute group we created, from the list and enter the first one, “Gold,” then enter the SEO information, and either select a color or upload a texture.

Once you’re done, click “save and add another value,” then repeat this section for the “silver” setting metal. And there you have it: you just added your first product attribute group!

Adding Product features in PrestaShop

The process for adding product features is exactly the same as that of product attributes.

First, create new features, then add add new feature values within the feature. Keep in mind that you’ll have the opportunity to add product feature values directly when you’re creating a product. Simply type them in to add them as a new product feature.

We hope we’ve cleared up the difference between a product feature and attribute. Have additional questions? List them in the comments below. Then get back to adding all the features and attributes you need for your online shop!

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