
What is click & collect, and how can I set it up quickly?

How to efficiently set up a 10 point click and collect service for your shop.

The second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic has forced many countries to adopt new health measures, particularly in Europe: a second lockdown in the United Kingdom, Greece, Belgium and France, tightening in the Netherlands, and curfews in Austria and Italy. In order to maintain commercial activity despite the shops closing, retailers are now turning to click-and-collect. What exactly is it about? Who's involved? How do you set it up? So many questions to which we wanted to provide expert answers.

The click & collect to the rescue for retailers

What is click & collect?

Initiated by the click & collect service developed by supermarket chains, it consists of buying online and then collecting your purchase at the point of sale. More specifically, the customer buys or reserves a product online and then comes to the shop to collect it. But be careful, in this period of confinement, the removal must be done outside and not generate a queue on the sidewalk.

Who is click & collect for?

Virtually everyone: textile and interior décor shops, stationery shops, bookshops, florists, beauty salons, restaurants... are all able to maintain a certain level of activity. However, for click & collect, retailers must have an online shop or catalogue where customers can actually buy or reserve the products that are in stock and available in shop.

How can I set up a click & collect service?

To offer this service to your customers, simply add a dedicated module to your online store. PrestaShop has selected several click & collect modules that you can find on the marketplace. Easy to install, simple and efficient; these tools allow you to manage customer orders as well as modifications and cancellations while synchronizing your stocks, as well as generating automatic confirmation emails.

Do customers pay online or in store?

Online, it's easier! The idea behind click & collect is to avoid waiting around in store, especially at the till. During winter lockdown, this waiting around would be even more unwelcome, as customers would be forced to wait outside.

To facilitate online payment, including via mobile phones, and allow your customers to use their usual means of payment (credit cards, PayPal, Lydia, Paylib...), we recommend that you use an all-in-one module, such as PrestaShop Checkout.

What are the benefits of click & collect?

During this new lockdown period, click & collect allows you to continue to serve a loyal customer and even gain new customers.

Click & collect is also a strong generator of additional sales: 46% of online shoppers have already bought another product when they collect their order.

What about arranging collection times?

In addition to click & collect, your business may require you to schedule collection times in order to optimize customer reception and limit the number of people visiting your shop. This is especially the case for shops and showrooms where customers need sales assistance: furniture (bedding, sofas...), wedding dresses, fabrics... but also wholesalers, for example. To improve your online store and to help you get back to normal at the end of lockdown, PrestaShop recommends an expert module.

So, here are ten steps to setting up an efficient click & collect service

1. Inform your customers

Developing a click & collect service is good, informing your customers makes it better! Like any local service, your shop window is the best way to communicate. Remember to display clear information that encourages customers to find your products, even during lockdown, on your online store with pick-up at the shop.

2. A comprehensive catalogue

The click & collect service may not be suitable for all your products, especially during lockdown, or some may be out of stock. Be sure not to disappoint. Clearly inform your customers and set up a notification module to notify them as soon as the product is available again.

3. Facilitate access to your point of sale

Clearly indicate the address of your store and opening hours when customers place an order. Specify the means of access, including public transport and parking facilities.

4. Time slots

To avoid rush hours, or queues on the pavement (which is not allowed), organize order pick-ups in time slots.

5. Paying online

Again, to avoid waiting times, especially outdoors, you should opt for online prepayment. This is better than paying in person, which will not always be easy to do on the doorstep.

6. Personalized emails

Carefully design automatic emails. Remember to include the collection address and times on the confirmation email. Don't forget that customers may print off this email as proof that they are out and about for a valid reason.

7. Watch out for bulky orders

Be sure to inform your customer of the size of the parcel, or its weight if it is heavy, so that they can anticipate their safe collection.

8. Build customer loyalty

Be there for your customers. Inform them of new arrivals or new products. Encourage people to order from you...

9. Anticipate returns

The click-and-collect is an online purchase which benefits from the right of retraction. This can be reassuring for your customers. However, remember to anticipate these possible returns and to organise their management (pick up by appointment...) so as not to cause a fuss on the pavement!

10. Ask your customers

Are your customers satisfied with your services and products? If so, ask them to share this with others. Give them leaflets to put in their building's entrance hall or to slip into their neighbors' letterboxes. Remember to reward the most active!

> > You can find all the click & collect modules in our marketplace.

> > Launch your e-commerce site in complete confidence with the Starter Pack e-commerce from PrestaShop

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