
Marketplaces: One of the Easiest Ways to Gain Visibility

Ever wonder how to gain quick and easy visibility for your store and products? Online marketplaces are some of the best platforms to sell your products on. Sure, you may already be doing great business on your site alone, but think of the endless possibilities when your products are on additional marketplaces! Offering products on your own website, as well as additional marketplaces is an absolute must. Unsure of the ins and outs of an online marketplace? We got you covered, read below.

A marketplace is a third-party website that allows merchants and customers to connect. They can be tailored toward a certain category of products, or they can be extremely general, offering just about anything. Customers often visit marketplaces to compare different products of the same category; think about how many times you go on Amazon to compare iPhone chargers offered by different sellers because your dog constantly chews through them (oh, just me?).

In all seriousness, 115 million people visit Amazon every month—that’s an enormous demographic that you can get your hands on by simply offering your products on their marketplace. Amazon is not the only marketplace either, there are tons on the Internet, and some may even be geared to exactly what your shop offers. PrestaShop allows for your shop to have endless cool features and benefits for you and your customers, and offering your products on a marketplace will lead more shoppers to your website if they are happy with initial purchases.

Your own shop is an amazing way to gain a loyal customer base and get your business’ name out there, but marketplaces are a cool and different platform to offer your products to shoppers that may have been initially unaware of your store and products. To even sweeten the deal more, marketplaces are extremely secure. This means guaranteed payments for you, as well as guaranteed delivery for the customers—it’s a win/win.

With these highly secure sites, customers typically feel very comfortable using these marketplaces as a place to spend their money. Due to all of the factors that marketplaces include, they usually have great SEO, which means your products have a great chance of being found! Recognizable marketplaces are a form of marketing in themselves; customers around the world know and trust them and visit them all of the time—Amazon and eBay are among the 20 most visited sites worldwide.

No need to be Internet savvy, PrestaShop offers a ton of modules that can easily integrate your shop with numerous marketplaces. Don’t miss this huge slice of the e-commerce customer pie! Get in the game and watch your sales skyrocket.

Click here to visit PrestaShop Addons to check out some marketplace modules that can take your store to a whole new level.

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