11/01/20245 min

Personalizing messages for your customers: Where to start?

Personalizing messages to your customers is a great way to set yourself apart from your competitors. So long as you know how to do it! Finding the right balance between welcome reminders and overly frequent requests is not easy. Knowing the recurring events of the calendar is useful, as long as you know your customers well. Sending an email to all your customers for World Video Game Day in July is not necessarily a good idea, depending on their profile. To avoid these pitfalls, this article explains how to personalize messages to your customers in a relevant way.

Personalizing messages requires a very good knowledge of your customers

The prerequisite for any message personalization strategy is knowing your customers well. This knowledge is acquired mainly through the collection and meticulous analysis of their data. This involves a detailed exploration of their shopping habits, online behaviors, preferences, and expectations.

Customer tracking tools, such as Google Analytics, can provide you with valuable information about the behavior of your customers on your website. At the same time, customer surveys and their comments represent a wealth of information to better understand them. Finally, make sure you take advantage of the contact form to collect the most relevant data for your online store.

Segmenting your audience is the key to real custom messages

Segmenting your audience is a crucial step to personalizing your messages. Imagine a kaleidoscope of customers that you will judiciously group according to various criteria such as age, gender, geographical location, or shopping habits. This could be the date and type of the last purchase or the total amount spent.

Once you have segmented your audience, you only have to personalize your messages according to the preferences and expectations of each group. For example, you can offer special promotions to customers who regularly buy certain types of products or who live in certain regions.

Harness the potential of automated email sequences for your communication

Automated email sequences (also called behavior triggers) are a powerful tool to personalize your messages, dynamically adapting to the behavior of your customers.

Among the options to explore to bring your emails to life, you might consider:

  • Post-purchase email: don't just settle for a confirmation email. Ask your customers what they think of their purchase, and show them that you are listening. And why not take the opportunity to offer them complementary products that could suit them?
  • The abandoned cart reminder email: this targets customers who have added items to their cart but have not completed their purchase. With a subtle reminder, you can encourage them to take the plunge.
  • The re-engagement email: to reconnect with customers who have not interacted with your store for some time.

The options are almost endless. Whether it's a welcome message for new subscribers or the celebration of a customer's birthday, email automation offers a multitude of options to ensure your brand is permanently on your customer's minds

Personalized recommendations based on past purchases

Enhancing your messages with personalized recommendations based on your customer's past purchases is like offering them a personal concierge service. Did a customer buy a particular type of product? This is the perfect opportunity to suggest similar or complementary items that they might like.

Showing them a range of meticulously selected products shows that you care about their preferences and tastes. By going beyond simple attention to their choices, you offer them a real range of options that can enhance their shopping experience. These little details are the ones that turn an occasional customer into a loyal ambassador for your brand.


Personalizing messages is an essential strategy in today's digital marketing. It is a way to show your customers that you know them, but above all, that you understand their needs. Not only does it increase engagement, but it also improves customer satisfaction and, ultimately, your business results. So, start personalizing your messages today and watch your business thrive.

Make your customers feel unique

Talk to your customers like you know them with the help of automation. Automate your marketing campaigns: send custom content to targeted leads, engage better with your audience, and increase your conversion rate.


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