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    Cambrils, Spain
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  1. Hi Billy, I fixed this by going to the auto-upgrade module in the admin area and selecting "reset" for the module. Ed
  2. Gracias kik-off, si, lo he visto. Pero este son noticias de octubre de 2018... normalmente las empresas van avisando y apretando cuando acerca la fecha. Me sorprende que no he visto ninguna confirmación desde entonces. Ed
  3. Posibles problemas de migración aparte, yo tb me gustaría saber si termina el soporte para 1.6.x en junio. ¿Alguien sabe si esta fecha aún es la correcta? Gracias, Ed
  4. Hi Moatazattia, I don't know, sorry, I have not used multishop. Have a good one, Ed
  5. This thread was very, very helpful, but cristic's solution (although highly enlightening) was incorrect. If you place the initialization of the added variable after the parent construct, you overwrite loaded values. Also, it's doesn't compile. contentengineer's solution worked from me, with the addition of variable initialization during declaration. I still don't understand WHY there was a problem (I was as confused as contentengineer), but cristic and contentengineer solved the problem for me. Thanks!
  6. You can debug the datalayer data via the tag assistant. Is it only conversion data that is not getting transfered (not sure specifically what you mean by ecommerce data). If so, you may want to check my earlier comment: Also, my GTM module (and the PrestaShop GA module, as far as I can tell) rely on a payment confirmation page being shown. For e.g. PayPal, I needed to force their auto return feature, otherwise users might not come back to your shop to show the GTM code.
  7. I'm guessing that your problem is specific to your site... in general, GTM data does get to analytics. You might want to start diagnosing your site with the Google Tag Asistente. HTH, Ed
  8. Thanks kNife77, that did work, but it changed the core code, which I hate to do (it makes upgrading to new versions a pain in the butt). However, it can be easily done doing an override... just calling the base class constructor, and adding your own fields afterwards. Works great, and is outline in detail in an article I wrote on the subject. Thanks! Ed
  9. I'm doing something similar by overriding the MailCore class (http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Overriding+default+behaviors) in, and it works 100% correctly. However, the basic effect should be the same for your method. You may want to run a debugger on the code to see what is happening. If you're changing core files, maybe some other change you did is effecting this?
  10. You need to enabled PayPal AutoReturn to avoid the problem. The setting needed to work with PrestaShop are here.
  11. Related to Roja45's module (which I WISH I had seen before I started my code), I posted an article on how to create a front controller module from scratch. In any case, I agree with Roja45 that modules are much better than overrides.
  12. Hi Moy, have you moved your PrestaShop to the App Engine?
  13. BBVA solo accepta Visa y MasterCard. Dicen que "Si el comercio desea admitir otras marcas (Amex, Dinners, etc..) deberá comunicarse con cada una de ellas para suscribir el correspondiente contrato." Este articulo indica que Visa y MasterCard cubre la gran mayoría de tarjetas en uso en España. ¿Alguien tiene mas información sobre tipos de pago y el % de uso en ecommerce en España? No solo tarjetas (por ejemplo, ¿debería hacer un contracto con American Express?), pero también todos los de mas métodos (PayPay, Amazon Pay, IUPay, Contra rembolso, etc.).
  14. Con tarjetas de credito, siempre hay un banco _Y_ una empresa que procesa las tarjetas para los bancos. RedSys es la empresa "en medio" con casi todos los bancos en España (GlobalPayments es otra). RedSys, en mi experiencia, responde rápido y bien, y hacen buen trabajo. Condiciones, restricciones, etc. están marcados por los bancos, y ellos (en general) no responde tan rápido ni tan claro como RedSys. Pero es lo que hay. ING y BBVA han respondido mucho mas rápido y claro a mis preguntas que los otros bancos (y he contactado muchos). IUPay: https://www.iupay.es/OasysWebService/login/infotitular BBVA Tarjetas: Visa y MasterCard seguro. Creo que mas, lo miraré.
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