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electriz last won the day on September 30 2021

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    PHP, Webdevelopment, Prestashop, Music, Tennis, Running, Traveling
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  1. @Greg1234 I was wondering the same. This option with link to verify should be implemented by default - or at least, as an option which you can turn on in BackOffice. This is really weird and does not protect from creating spam-accounts at all. I know there are modules with captcha or even with this account confirmation link - but still why should you look for module when this option should be built-in Presta...
  2. Odinstalowanie modułu nie usuwa plików, co innego usunięcie - próbowałeś usunąć? Jeśli błąd nadal występuje i jego treść jest taka sama to albo trzeba dojść do tego co konkretnie powoduje ten błąd (jak pisałem powyżej), albo właśnie ręcznie usunąć moduł.
  3. Wygląda na błąd modułu jxcategoryproducts Możesz przesłać tu kod funkcji znajdującej się w linii 1018 w pliku /modules/jxcategoryproducts/jxcategoryproducts.php?
  4. Try this http://prestacraft.com/adding-new-fields-to-the-registration-form-in-prestashop-1-7/ However this may not work with 1.7.6.
  5. So you can cast it as integer, for example: $idProduct = (int)$result['id_product'];
  6. Hi, Try putting index.html file with your content in your store root directory.
  7. I'd also mention a contentBox module. https://contentbox.org/ If your "custom text block" module is placing text content wherever you want to - you can generate any number of contentBox modules with your name and simply upload it to your store.
  8. Hi, I'm afraid you will have to display this conditionally - only if value is not "free" in all those places.
  9. Hi, Does it still happen if you delete cache folder or clear cache from BackOffice?
  10. Hi, It clearly says that your database is missing a table. PREFIX_theme comes from default PrestaShop database structure, so you should have it. Look for your old store .sql file and there you should have it. Or just get a fresh PrestaShop install (on your localhost or any web host). Export "theme" table and import it to your new store.
  11. Hi, I would recommend to change those ID's number from 1 and 2 (in the source where it comes from) or modify the importer to check if ID is 1 or 2, Then assign it to corresponding new IDs.
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