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  1. Well, i actually use and don´t have this problem....until now.
  2. Hola, en el caso de prestashop las partes "seguras" https:// son en las seciciones que hay tranferencia de datos del usuario. Ingreso, carrito de compras, proceso de compras, etc.
  3. Gente, a ver si alguien me ayuda, en el webmaster tools tengo todos los articulos duplicados, Metadescripciones duplicadas y Etiquetas de título duplicadas del tipo /ca​rro​-de​-la​-co​mpr​a?a​dd&​id_​pro​duc​t=4​1&t​oke​n=6​a5c​df5​b15​c25​....... En parametros de URL he ingresado: car​ro-​de-​la-​com​pra - Restringe el contenido. Ninguna URL car​t.p​hp - Restringe el contenido. Ninguna URL y en mi robots.txt: Disallow: /cart.php Disallow: /carro-de-la-compra Hace un tiempo he hecho estos cambios pero articulo que agrego, articulo que sigue duplicandose. Desde ya gracias por la ayuda que me puedan brindar.
  4. Its seems that i'm the only one with this problem. The solution I've found so far is to disable the paypal API. not the best solution but seems to work well. I hope someone can help me with the 10474 error, so i and my customers can use Paypal normally. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I recently upgraded from 1.3.1 to, before i don´t have any problem with paypal, i receive orders from all around the world, but now with the module Paypal v2.8.5 my clients can´t pay and receive an "10474" error. PayPal response: TIMESTAMP -> 2011-12-12T13:35:19Z L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10474 L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error In this example the client is from Spain and want to sent a gift to Uruguay. Thanks, any help would be very apreciated!
  6. Have the same problem,please tell us how you solved this error. Thanks
  7. Thanks Mike, but i don´t have "Performance" option in PS
  8. Hello, i have "error during backupDB" I`m on 1.3.1, how can i disable memcache or filesystem cache? Thanks!!
  9. Hay modulos que sirven para esto y parecen estar muy bien, pero son carisimos!. Derepente a alguien le interesa comprar algun modulo de a grupo?, para compartir gastos...ai hay algun interesado por favor, enviar MP. saludos
  10. Wills1231, has tenido suerte con tu codigo? es muy util para muchas tiendas si logras que funcione bien. saludos
  11. Hi, funally i find a solution for this problem!, i tested for 2 month and all the "https" in search results disapear and the correct link was listed. 1- Create a second robots.txt, calling it robots_ssl.txt Upload this file to the root level of your domain. User-agent: * Disallow: / 2- A the following commands to your .htaccess file in the root document folder of your webserver: RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^443$ RewriteRule ^robots.txt$ robots_ssl.txt This command instructs the webserver to direct any requests for the robots.txt file made on port 443 (used for SSL web connections rather than port 80 for standard web connections) to the second file that we created, disallowing indexing.
  12. Have the same problem too, many of my customers don´t understand and don´t know where to enter first & last name in the delivery address
  13. Thanks for the tips, i still can´t fix this and can´t reproduce the problem. But i get everyday 2 or 3 clients with this problem. I don´t know when does it happen, have clients with IE, firefox, chrome and opera (win xp, 7, vista) add in his baskets different products and same problem. People make this steps. 1 - Add a product 2- register an account 3- Try to add a shipping address and here they stuck,they can´t add a new address. 4- back to step 1, trying to continue with the wrong shipping address and they can´t...continue button don´t work and no error was shown. Generally they leave the site and never come back, in some cases they call us or send an email.
  14. Hi, I receive comments from my clients (more & more often) that they can´t shopping because in the checkout process they are stuck in order step 1, when they click “continue”, nothing happened. If they change “https://ww......../order.php?step=1 “ to “.../order.php?step=2” in the navigator bar, they can continue. Please, any help would ve very ver apreciated, i don´t know how/where to start. I can´t reproduce this error in my pc, but 5 of 10 customers have this problem. PS Thanks
  15. Para que sirve?, como funciona?. Es realmente necesario tener activada esta opcion?. Gracias
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