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tuk66 last won the day on October 11

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  1. Not yet. This module is currently under intensive testing.
  2. It is a known long-standing problem. You can't have few hundred items in the cart!
  3. What trojan?! The PrestaShop archive DOESN'T contain any exe, vbs or other executable program.
  4. The right place is to check/edit the Address format for every country you use.
  5. "Print order" prints the page. So it comes from /admin/themes/new-theme/public/theme.css.
  6. To záleží na té šabloně. Každá to má trochu jinak. Někdy se taky dají úpravy CSS snadněji dělat pomocí modulu.
  7. #_desktop_top_menu .top-menu .sub-menu ul[data-depth="1"] > li { width: 20%; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .top-menu { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } Taková úprava stylu by měla většinu problémů s menu na desktopu vyřešit.
  8. Jaká je adresa shopu? Obecně, je to věc stylu. Tím se to dá celkem snadno spravit, ale bez konkrétních informací to nepůjde.
  9. Brand should be translatable in Modules.Facetedsearch.Shop.
  10. Still the same. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/83-české-fórum/ should be under https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/90-podpora-a-pomoc-komunity/ and vice versa.
  11. The two sub-forums are interchanged. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/90-podpora-a-pomoc-komunity/ is a Czech one, but it is under https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/85-bahasa-indonesia/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/98-instalasi-konfigurasi-dan-upgrade/ is an Indonesian one, and it is under https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/83-české-fórum/
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