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  1. Thank you. I did the first changes you posted, it didnt work. After reloading the page, I noticed you have editet the code. Now I tried the second one, and it works now! So, huge thanks for the help. Thank you, WingTsun.
  2. This issue was solved. Thanks to: okom3pom I have made a script (plugin), which generates XML Export files for specific shops. Everything is fine with that. The problem is, I need to SELECT only products, which are NOT DISABLED. Currently it SELECTS ALL Products from the DB. This is how I select Products: This is whrere I need to make changes, to make it select only enabled ones. $product = Product::getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 0, 0, 'id_product', 'ASC'); After this I do a foreach loop like this: foreach($product as $key => $data) { The other way would be to do smth like this: if($data['IsDisabledOrSmth']) { // do nothing.. } else { // let my script to go further.. } Note! Everything, other than Selecting only the ENABLED products are working fine in the script. Thank you for your time, WingTsun.
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