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  1. Salve e grazie per le info. Ma non c'è un modo di mostrare questi prodotti correlati, come un modulo sempre visibile quando si apre il prodotto? Perchè al momento, aggiungendoli come accessories, questi vengono visualizzati solo se si fa click nella scheda "Accessories" , invece dovrebbero essere sempre visibili...qualche suggerimento?
  2. Hi, thankyou for your module. Is there a guide to use it? After installing (PS 1.6) i can't file any module or setting to use it. Thankyou.
  3. Hi to everybody, i'm using PS 1.6 and i would insert my products on some price comparison. I would ask you if is there a way to have an rss with all products (cause the rss feeder is only 10 new products) to use for this purpose, cause the single price comparison modules are all not free.... Have you a a free solution? Some suggestion? Thankyou so much.
  4. Hi, how to use the rss feed link to show all products of prestashop? I would use this to some webservice and i would a feed with all products. Thankyou.
  5. Salve, sto cercando di impostare il mio prestashop 1.6 per la gestione di 2 gruppi utenti, uno privati (con registrazione normale) ed uno rivenditori. Desideravo inserire come campo di registrazione utente, sia Azienda che p.iva e codice fiscale, dove azienda non è obbligatorio, ma se viene compilato, fa diventare obbligatorio il campo p.iva. Mi potreste dire qual'è la procedura? Perchè al momento riesco solo a vedere i campi di registrazione di default, e solo se imposto "b2b" allora risulta pure il campo "Azienda" e solo "siret" e "ape" due campi che non mi servono. Sto sbagliando sicuramente qualcosa...perchè comunque il modulo partita iva è installato attivato e configurato... Mi potreste dire qual'è la procedura corretta? Grazie sempre.
  6. Hi, thankyou for your help, but i solved finally! I explain it.. When i checked the ftp img folder, it was with only some images (as i told above). But checking the previous backup of the website (that i've done before to upgrade and always suggest to do backup!), i see that in img folder there was much more images! So i solved uploading in "img/p" folder, with ftp, all the images that i found in my backup "img/p" folder. And after this, going on "Preference->Images" and click on "Move images". Now, all products have again their images I think this is due to some upgrade problem, but a full backup helped me to solve this. To speed the website, maybe you suggest something like regenerate thumbnails now?
  7. Yes letto in un altro post e fatto! Si risolve proprio riportando le immagini dalla cartella di backup e caricandole su "p" e poi dal backand clickare su "Sposta immagini" (che finalmente apparirà una volta caricate le immagini di backup
  8. Hi, thankyou for all your post. I followed your suggest, but when i found the image id, i look for it with ftp software but there are no images or subdirectory with that id...so what should i do now? Where to look for that image of product with "id=872" for example? In my img folder i've "admin, c, cms, co, genders, l, m, os, p, s, etc etc" folders...and under "p" folder i only have subfolder till nuber 4, so not starting with 8 as the product id. What do you suggest to me? Thankyou for your help in advance.
  9. Salve, ho da poco aggiornato all'ultima versione di Prestashop, e tutto sembra essere andato ok. L'unica cosa, è che non vengono visualizzate le immagini dei prodotti (quelle delle categorie si!). Ho fatto l'aggiornamento con 1-Click Autoupgrade. Quando provo la rigenerazione miniature, mi dice "Original image is missing or empty (/web/htdocs/www.miosito.it/home/img/p/6/2/62.jpg) for product ID 14" Ed effettivamente vado a guardare tramite ftp e non c'è il percorso indicato! Si ferma a "/img/p/4". Sapreste consigliarmi una soluzione? Grazie in anticipo.
  10. Solved! This problem was due to an hosting permission problem. I contacted my hosting (Aruba) and wit a "File permission restore" the problem is solved and store upgraded Now only problem is that images have not been uploaded, and it can't save new images...but this is another thread
  11. i tried with the old moudle and it says the error 500 when i start upgrade... so deactivated it, uninstalled and installed the new version of 1-click upgrade...and now also the online version told me the md5 error.... :'( I don't understand....and I don't know how let it work...
  12. Hahahah tankyou so much Now i'm here and i'm trying to update with the old module...i will update you And hope it works for a good sell
  13. Thankyou for your answer My shop is still in costruction, so without order, customers, etc...only products, categories and attributes, images. So i think i will try to upgrade directly the online prestashop and if something goes worong, i will restore my backup... :/ But i think i will do it tomorrow I will update you and thankyou again.
  14. Thankyu for your answer I checked and tried to put all file and folders permission to 777 but nothing changed...i think it's a problem with subfloder settings...cause in the subfolder test prestashop i've this problem, but in the online store i've not this problem..and i've the oldest autoupgrade module..
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