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wayann last won the day on April 6 2015

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    Milan (IT)
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    My Family, My Work and Chess, Sports, Music, Life.
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Community Answers

  1. Ciao Newsoft_marketing, é ancora valido l'annuncio?
  2. Ciao Medea, contattami pure, se cerchi ancora uno sviluppatore.
  3. it's because blocktopmenu is using private functions instead of protected, proposed patch merged to dev branch of blocktopmenu.
  4. Hi @bellini13, thx for the quick reply pushed patch to dev branch don't want to clone anymore modules...
  5. ah! goot to know I'm not the only one... Overriding blocktopmenu function generateCategoriesMenu with this code does not work class BlocktopmenuOverride extends Blocktopmenu { public function generateCategoriesMenu($categories, $is_children = 0) { die( var_dump ('hello I am an override') ); } } if I comment the parent function it works as expected I've asked why in this post but so far nobody can tell why... https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/420461-cant-override-blocktopmenu-function-generatecategoriesmenu/
  6. if (!defined('_CAN_LOAD_FILES_')) exit; class BlocktopmenuOverride extends Blocktopmenu { public function generateCategoriesMenu($categories, $is_children = 0) { die( var_dump ('hello I am an override') ); } } setting up this in the folder override/modules cleared the cache file class_index.php it works if I strip of the parent function but then this override is pointless.... any hints of why it doesn't work? I'm on
  7. @trevorgilligan I got it working, but just in case I'm facing your issue with my customers I'd like to know how to properly address that, anyway thanks for sharing with us.
  8. si a eso me refiero, mira tambien el readme en como configurarlo para que funcione aqui en my fork de github > https://github.com/wayann/PrestaShop-modules-CleanURLs
  9. puedes definir una ruta como esta por ejemplo: {parent_categories:/}{rewrite} rewrite siendo en tu caso : musculacion y parent_categories : fitness-deportes que daria como resultado esta url www.miweb.com/fitness-deportes/musculacion/
  10. lo mas simple es que pongas la url de tu imagen en un browser, si no aparece en tu browser es porque te estas equivocando de dirección probablemente, una vez que tienes la url correcta edita tu csv
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