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  1. Thank you very much for your analysis! I will investigate more based on your suggestions.
  2. Hi Raphael, Thanks for your reply. I am sorry if you feel offended by "nerds", we use that a lot in my company. I understand the way overrides works, thanks for your pointer. However, I still don't understand the following behavior: Let's take Translate::getAdminTranslation() function as example. It was called in AdminControllerCore::l() function, for translations of BO text fields. When I modify the return value in AdminControllerCore::l(), it shows in BO accordingly, everything makes sense. However, when I change the return value in TranslateCore::getAdminTranslation(), nothing happens. I even tried to delete the file /classes/Translate.php, everything still works properly. It makes me feel I am not modifying the right file. But I can't find any other place which have getAdminTranslation() function defined. Does what I described make any sense to you? Thanks, Henry
  3. Hi, I really appreciate if someone can enlighten me... I purchased some module without Chinese translation, all the {l s="blah" mod="foo"} returns empty string. Is there a way to make it fall back to English if the translation is not provided? I tried to modify code in TranslateCore, but it doesn't seem to be the right place. Does anyone know where are the {l s="blah" mod="foo"} call in tpl gets executed? Thanks!!
  4. I expect it to work like that, but when I make change to ProductCore, it has no impact to new Product() code path. I am wondering if I need to somehow re-compile or do some other magic?
  5. It is very inconvenient to check for new orders every once in a while in BO, I am wondering if I can setup an automatic email for new orders?
  6. http://www.yaoay.com Although the whole site is in Chinese, your feedbacks are welcome!
  7. Hi nerds, I am confused on how prestashop classes infrastructure works. in many places like FrontControllerCore::init, it calls "new Product()" to load a product object. However, there is no class called Product and I tracked ProductCore::__constructor isn't called either. Does anyone know how a Product object is constructed? Thanks, Henry
  8. Also, on a related topic, as you can see there are so many results with "mediheal" in the title, but when I search for "mediheal", only 6 results show. Do you have any clue how to fix that?
  9. Hi Vekia, Here is a link to my website (sorry for the chinese), but I think it should be clear enough to show my issue: some of the products show the name a lot longer than the others. I set the truncate all to 20 and I expect them to show the same number of unicode characters before "...". http://www.yaoay.com/zh/31-%E6%8A%A4%E8%82%A4%E4%BF%9D%E5%85%BB?p=2
  10. how can I use truncate with unicode characters? I set truncate to 20, but it doesn't seem the same across these names....
  11. I am seeing the similar issue. Any help is really appreciated.
  12. Hi, I have about 1000 products in my shop, but it seems search function can't find all the partial matches. What is confusing to me is that it can find some of the results, but not complete. Does anyone have similar issue? Thanks, Henry
  13. it turned out to be a configuration issue. I turned on Layered filter then it works.
  14. utk66, you are right, it is really sloooow... I made it work, and it took like 20 secs to open the home page. not worth it.
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