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rl_lucian last won the day on November 11 2018

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  1. This solution worked for us also! Thanks @lordshop. In ps_order table, id_curency column, there was some values set to "0". We changed those values from "0" to "1" because these is shop default curency ID, and the problem was solved: https://ibb.co/qyV4Rzn
  2. Thanks Daresh. Any ideea on how can we implement this customisation, in order to be update compatible?
  3. Hello, Our client only delivers to 4 cities, so we are looking for a module that: 1) Enables city selections by dropdown - in customer account - adresses section 2) Enables city selections by dropdown - in order steps process. We should have the option of creating this custom cities, that will be displayed as dropdown options, for the client to select. >> https://ibb.co/tKJ6vh4 Please give us your support in finding a solution. Thank you!
  4. I will post here the solution to a problem that i confrunted a few days. If you want to eliminate [Shop Name] from the Order Confirmation Email Subject, this is the solution for Prestashop 1.7: classes/Mail.php Change: $subject = '['.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME', null, null, $idShop).'] '.$subject; To: //$subject = '['.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME', null, null, $idShop).'] '.$subject; Just comment that row.
  5. We got this error on an Prestashop Error found : Premature end of data in tag module line 1 in country_module_list.xml file. Error found : Premature end of data in tag modules line 1 in country_module_list.xml file. The fix: I had cleared the cache from admin shop.
  6. Hello, On default Prestashop theme, i had enabled product stock filter and product condition filter, in Faceted Search module: ==> https://ibb.co/ikXiGK The problem is that in frontoffice, this 2 filters does not display, nomatter options i configure: ==> https://ibb.co/m0HNAe How can this issue be solved? Thank you!
  7. There is one more step you need to take after you proceed with the above modifications: Go to -> Modules -> Layered navigation block -> Configuration -> Show products from subcategories -> Set to NO After this, the ordere you had set in admin will be displayed in frontoffice!
  8. Related the "unable to update settings" problem that does not let you save product modifications. Go to Catalog -> Products -> Open a product -> go to Description tab -> Make sure 6000 character limit is not exceeded -> Click Save ==> https://i.imgur.com/jOTEhzR.png After that i was able to save any modification made to that product!
  9. Related the "unable to update settings" problem that does not let you save product modifications. Go to Catalog -> Products -> Open a product -> go to Description tab -> Make sure 6000 character limit is not exceeded -> Click Save ==> https://i.imgur.com/jOTEhzR.png After that i was able to save any modification made to that product!
  10. To insert insert responsive youtube iframe on CMS pages please follow this steps: 1) Go to Admin -> Preferences -> General - Allow iframes on HTML fields set to -> Yes - Use HTMLPurifier Library set to -> No 2) Go to -> Preferences -> CMS -> edit the CMS page you want to insert iframe in -> click on Source code icon -> paste the code from below -> click Save <div class="video-container"><iframe width="300" height="150" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/h4s0llOpKrU?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0"></iframe></div> 3) Go to custom CSS folder -> paste the below code -> click Save .video-container { position:relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:30px; height:0; overflow:hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; } Now, if you check that CMS page, should have a responsive youtube video integrated.
  11. I just used this css command in theme.css or custom.css, instead of altering any .tpl files: .thumbnail-container .quickview a { display: none; }
  12. We encounter this error when switching to PHP 7.1: Function mcrypt_encrypt() is deprecated in /home/username/public_html/classes/Rijndael.php on line 51 We are using Prestashop version. Any ideea how to fix this error? thanks
  13. They said if we make the update to Presta core, before doing the update to template, problems will appear, because of the fact that has significant modifications from
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