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About morpheus74

  • Birthday 09/05/1974

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  1. Risolto. http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-4331
  2. Nessun ha mai avuto questo problema ?
  3. Salve a tutti, ho un problema nella sezione dettagli ordini del mio shop. In pratica si verifica il problema evidenziato nell'immagine allegato. Ho effettuato un acquisto di test pagano attaverso paypal. La transazione è andata a buon fine ma quando vado a modificare lo stato dell'ordine viene aggiunto un nuova volce all'interno del pannello Pagamento (come da foto). Avete idea di come risolvere questo fastidioso problema ? Grazie a tutti coloro che mi vorranno dare una mano. Ciao Francesco
  4. I have the same problem and I've tried what El Patron said, but no success. On my shop I have 1500 articles and there is this problem on all products !
  5. I have the same problem! I have try to delete the smarty cache but I don't have solved this issue.
  6. La versione di prestashop è la e il template è stato acquistato.
  7. Salve a tutti, mi sapete dire come eliminare la percentuale di sconto 0% (immagine allegata) che mi appare nei mie ordini del mio shop Grazie a tutti
  8. Hi Funstad, sorry but I have changed the wrong file. I have changed the products-comparison.js of my template and now working fine !!! many thanks
  9. I have applied the your solution but does not working fine!
  10. I have the same problem and I don't receive any error. I have contacted the web hosting provider and I asked for a check on error log of the web server. The support have found a double call for the index.php index.phpindex.php?controller=products-comparison&ajax=1&action=add&id_product=8&_=1422622764199 I tried removing a one "index.php" and the URL working fine ! what change needs to be done?
  11. Hi to all, I have some problem with the with comparison on my webshop. When I click on the "Add to compare" nothing happens: no item loaded on the compare section I have already contacted my hosting provider and he found the following error on the consolle javascript "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://<my site>/index.phpindex.php?controller=products-comparison&ajax=1&action=add&id_product=12&_=1422456418727" On the local server and on the production server I have found the following error on the httpd error log [Wed Jan 28 07:12:32 2015] [error] [client] script '/var/www/html/index.phpindex.php' not found or unable to stat, referer: Can you help me ?? I can't find any solution to this problem!
  12. I have the same problem !! on my web server i receive the following error when I click on the "compare" button [Wed Jan 28 07:12:32 2015] [error] [client] script '/var/www/html/index.phpindex.php' not found or unable to stat, referer: I think that the error is /var/www/html/index.phpindex.php
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