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  1. Hello everybody, I'm trying to create a module that will show a fullscreen slideshow on the home page and a fullscreen background image (no slideshow) on other pages based on category thumbnail. For the homepage, I use supersize jquery. It seems the supersize js file, when declared, create some divs and a preview wheel appears on every page. I would like to prevent this by declaring the supersize js file only on the homepage. So on the module root folder, I have my_module.php file in which I declare my js files in : public function hookDisplayHeader() I'd like to add a condition like if($page_name == 'index')... You see what I need. $page_name is a Smarty variable...How to get the same but for php? Chris
  2. myseo59, merci pour ton feedback, nous avons contacté Kiala aujourd'hui et c'était apparemment un problème de paramètrage dans les livraisons (il faut rentrer les tranches de prix et de poids pour que le module apparaisse). Ca a l'air de marcher.
  3. Même problème chez moi, je réitère la question. Est-ce que quelqu'un a une solution?
  4. Hello, this is my first Prestashop website and I have this bug I can't resolve. On a category page, the "sort by" tool appears but when I choose an option in it, nothing happens. But this happens only on some category pages, not all of them. I have 6 categories and only 1 of them has this problem. I need a clue to resolve this. Thks Christophe
  5. Hello, I try to set up the mobile css. I don't know where it's written but on mobile version, the left column is hidden by a hard coded display:none; and the parent container (#left_column) has an "accordion" applied. <div id="left_column" class="column col-xs-12 col-sm-3 accordion"> <div class="block_content" style="display: none;"> When I open header.tpl file, I don't have this "accordion" Where can I remove the Accordion and the display:none? Thanks Chris
  6. Hello everybody, I'm pretty new to prestashop and try to create a module that would show a fullscreen background picture. Background should change following the category I visit and even choose randomly between 3 images for each category. I plan to create an array containing the category thumbnails url originally set up in blockCategories module (I know it's not the purpose of these thumbnails, but I don't use them anyway in this website). For now, I've created a new module that can show a static fullscreen background (1 image place in img folder), Next steps are (I think): Get the category id of the page I visit or (if I'm in a product page), the category id I come from. retrieve the category thumbnails, create the array. Who can help me for the 2 first steps?
  7. Hello, I haven't found this in the forum, but I'm sure it should exist. I would like to add in my categories (admin side) some fields to manage a range of images that should appear randomly in the background as fullscreen while visiting a category. How do I have to proceed to create that? Chris
  8. Hi dakeweb, I guess it should be the id #last_quantities that figures in your theme css/product.css file. I don't have the exact line number because I already changed my files, but the parameters are something like this : background: #fe9126; border: 1px solid #e4752b; padding: 4px 8px 3px; position: relative; top: 1px;
  9. Hello everybody, this is my first topic and as usual if I write this, it's because I'm new to prestashop and still digging to find all informations about PS. In product.tpl, I'd like to add, as title, the name of the category I come from. I've seen the breadcrumb is able to provide this info (where the visitor come from before viewing the detail of one product), so I guess there should be something to do that for the heading. Does anyone can help me for this? Thks Chris
  10. Ok, I've found another way, I clicked on add a new theme > create a new theme, then fill the form and prefill the theme folder by selecting in the form default-bootstrap. It seems to work.
  11. Hi designlobby, I'm exactly like you but 2 months later. Did you find a way to have your theme? I'm stuck at the same step. Christophe
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