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  1. Unknown column 'lbs.position' add a column 'position' (type int) to this table ps_link_block_shop
  2. you should pass the value using "fields_value" as below $helper->tpl_vars = array( 'uri' => $this->getPathUri(), 'fields_value' => $this->getConfigFieldsValues(), 'languages' => $this->context->controller->getLanguages(), 'id_language' => $this->context->language->id ); here, getConfigFieldsValues should return an associative array with field name, value pair function getConfigFieldsValues() { return array( 'selectProductsField' => 597 ); }
  3. no, I already have fields added using override. Added new columns to prestashop default product table, the custom fields are accessible via product object. I want the same, but without override.
  4. Yes im aware about this. I was talking about adding custom field to Product object model
  5. Im working on 1.7.8+ version, i would like to add custom fields to product without override. (facing many issues with override, sometimes need to remove /var/cache/<dev/prod>/class_index.php). The fields are used for frontend and backend purpose. Is there a way that custom fields can be added without override? (using hooks or other way) Thanks,
  6. is this a default prestashop or upgraded from 1.6 or older 1.7 to
  7. share more detail, like what you have send and whats the response. Are you trying to send webservice post requests?
  8. disable the module fieldmeganeu and try loading the frontend. Seems error related to fieldmegamenu module
  9. i had a look at the prestashop's code where cookie is set, theres an option in backoffice. Did you check the option " Cookie SameSite" at Advanced Parameters -> Administration? If not please try that
  10. https://domain.com/it/content/16-home-page this is cms page, you can update the html content for the 2nd shop does not affect 1st shop
  11. go to Design -> Positions check the modules hooked in hookHome/displayHome
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