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  1. Recently I started to use PSWebServiceLibrary to update the product price remotely (I could not update the stock yet, but that's another story). However, in order to debug it I needed to enable display_errors in PrestaShop to see what is happening in the backend (at least in version 1.5.x). This is ok unless that your store is in live mode and you start getting users to the web at the same time. What I did was enabling the errors only for Web Service API calls that came from PSWebServiceLibrary. Here is the solution I found: 1. First, go to PSWebServiceLibrary and specify a custom User Agent. I added the following line below line 135 of PSWebServiceLibrary.php curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PSWebServiceLibrary'); 2. Then, go to PrestaShop /config/config.inc.php and added the following line below the display_errors setting: if ( preg_match('/PSWebServiceLibrary/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] )) @ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); This way, if the User Agent is PSWebServiceLibrary then it will enable display_errors, otherwise not. Hope it helps. Julian Magnone
  2. I am also looking for an answer to this same question. Any help? quantity is read only, and seems stock_availables must be added separately.
  3. I am having the same issue, I need to be able to edit quantity and price only using the web service API. But seems we can't. Any way to troubleshoot it? Have spent the whole morning trying to make this work.
  4. I have a problem related to a similar query like this. Can you help me? When I try to get the list of all products, I get an empty response, the Content-Length is set to 0 in the response. However, if I specify the $opt['id']= 954; I was able to get a xml with the product details in the response. I am not sure why the API is not working for me to get a list of all products, that in fact I need it to then iterate over the existing products. I am using PS Did you have this same issue? Or can you help me to find a way to troubleshoot it? Thanks.
  5. Everything was messed up when I tried to upgrade from to 1.5 using 1 Click Upgrade module. After I run it in localhost, I got all kind of errors during the process. Even when I rolled back to a previous version, the roll back feature didn't work as expected and everything was really messed up. Now, I need to create a local host environment again from the files I have in production, in order to get it work. You are adviced to upgrade this carefully using a local test environment first, in order to avoid losing files and data.
  6. Hi franV, I am facing the same problem that you described. I am wondering if you found a solution to this issue? Thanks!
  7. Hi diondp. Seems I am having the same problem that you described. Did you find a solution to this problem? The fact is that we want to use PrestaShop for dropshipping where each supplier has its own carriers and fees. Additionally, in my research I found that order table in db has carrier_id so it won't be possible, at a glance to associate a supplier carrier for each detail under a single order...
  8. I am looking for a similar solution, but couldn't get any way to implement it yet.
  9. La traducción se me borró para los módulos al intentar instalar un módulo nuevo. Algo raro pasó.
  10. Una forma podría ser modificando la tabla ps_product directamente, aunque no se si se puede afectar con algo si hay precios especiales asociados.
  11. Ok, creo que entendí qué sucede. Hay que ir al Backend, Preferencias, Búsqueda y luego allí cambiar la cantidad de palabras (de 3 a 1). Luego generar el índice de búsquedas de nuevo y voilá!
  12. Me pasa lo mismo, problemas con módulo buscar. Por lo que he estado averiguando esto viene acarreado de hace mucho tiempo, y en la versión 1.4.x no funciona.
  13. Entiendo tu frustración, a mi tampoco me funciona...
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