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delete-account-pleas last won the day on October 16 2021

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About delete-account-pleas

  • Birthday 05/08/1951

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    Marketing / SEO Agency

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  1. To identify the issue, please activate debug mode in your store and check for any errors. If no errors appear in debug mode, clear your cache and then disable debug mode.
  2. Could you clarify what you mean by "update manually"? Are you updating the core files with the latest Prestashop version and then proceed to run the install folder? This approach is not available (yet) for Prestashop 8 and newer versions. https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/basics/keeping-up-to-date/upgrade/#manual-upgrade
  3. you can download your store's to a local-host and do the upgrade from there. if you want we can do it for you.
  4. You can extend the existing webservice to achieve what you are searching for. More information can be found here: https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/modules/concepts/webservice/
  5. You could try to upload a fresh /mails/ folder to your server to see if this helpt resolving the issue.
  6. try regenerating your .htaccess in you main root file and using CTRL + F5
  7. The function get_magic_quotes_gpc is deprecated since PHP 7.4. So my guess is that you have a Prestashop store with a version < than 1.8 and using PHP 8. This is not possible, look at the PHP compatibility chart to see which PHP version your webshop supports. https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/1.7/basics/installation/system-requirements/#php-compatibility-chart
  8. If i understand your question correctly you want to send the reference on order completion correct? In this case you need to use the DisplayOrderConfirmation hook, for example like we use it in one of our projects: public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation($params) { $order = $params['order']; $products = $params['order']->getProducts(); $customer = new Customer((int)$order->id_customer); $delivery = new Address((int) $order->id_address_delivery); $country = new Country($delivery->id_country); require_once($this->getLocalPath() .'crezzurApi.php'); $api = new CrezzurApi(); $order_exist = $api->findOrder($order->reference); if (!$order_exist) { $api->insertOrder($order->reference); // PREVENT MULTIPLE INSERTS $xml_customer = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <customer> <email>$customer->email</email> <bedrijfsnaam>$delivery->company</bedrijfsnaam> <btwnummer>$delivery->vat_number</btwnummer> <aanspreek></aanspreek> <name>$delivery->lastname</name> <firstname>$customer->firstname</firstname> <middlename/> <phone>$delivery->phone</phone> <gsm>$delivery->phone_mobile</gsm> <adres> <straat>$delivery->address1</straat> <huisnummer/> <toevoeging/> <land>$country->iso_code</land> <postcode>$delivery->postcode</postcode> <stad>$delivery->city</stad> </adres> </customer>"; $apiuser = $api->createCustomer($xml_customer); $xml_order = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <order> <customer_id>". $apiuser['id'] ."</customer_id> <order_id>Webshop: $order->reference</order_id> <delivery_date></delivery_date> <base_subtotal>". Tools::ps_round($order->total_paid, 2) ."</base_subtotal> <base_shipping_amount>". Tools::ps_round($order->total_shipping_tax_incl, 2) ."</base_shipping_amount> <vat_regime>BI</vat_regime> <notes>Bestelling geplaatst via webshop.</notes> <payment_method>". Tools::substr($order->payment, 0, 32) ."</payment_method> <shipping_method></shipping_method> <articles>"; foreach ($products as $key => $product) { $xml_order .= "<article> <sku>". $product['product_ean13'] ."</sku> <count>". $product['product_quantity'] ."</count> <price_ex>". Tools::ps_round($product['product_price'], 2) ."</price_ex> <price>". Tools::ps_round($product['product_price_wt'], 2) ."</price> <articlename/> </article>"; } $xml_order .= "</articles></order>"; $apiorder = $api->createOrder($xml_order); echo '<pre class="prettyprint linenums">Klant aangemaakt met ID '. $apiuser['id'] .' en order ID '. $apiorder['id'] .'</pre>'; }
  9. What error do you receive in your logbooks? have also a look at the answer below maybe it could help you.
  10. Welcome to the PrestaShop forums @Koukay I would advice you to update to PrestaShop 1.7.7+ since the issue will be resolved automatically. You can make a copy of your current store and try to upgrade it to see if you have any errors, if not you can push this to your live environment. My post which you mentioned should resolved the issue. Most of the time (when it doest not work) it means the cache was not cleared or the steps where not followed correctly. When you have a live store with a large number of visitors, it can sometimes be wise to outsource this to an external partner. (for an update of your webshop or apply the bugfix to your current version.)
  11. After my previous tutorial Adding prestashop products programmatically, we have decided to launch a new project where we will be using the PrestaShop Webservice API. The advantages of the PrestaShop Webservice API are that we can add, modify, and/or delete almost all types of data. One of the benefits of the PrestaShop Webservice API is that it also provides validation functions to prevent incorrect data from being entered into the database. For this tutorial, we have provided a "package" that you can see in action by visiting our demo shop at https://demoshop.crezzur.com/ws-api/. You can easily download this package at the bottom of this post and add it to the root directory of your webshop. This package will enable you to perform some basic operations and gain a better understanding of the PrestaShop Webservice API. The intention is to expand this package with additional functionalities based on your questions and feedback. Using this package, a developer with basic programming skills should be able to develop a page relatively easily, for example, to automatically add new products (e.g., with combinations) to their client's webshop (e.g., by using a cron job). Setup the package Unzip the ws-api.zip in the root directory of your webshop Open the config.php file and replace the YOUR_SHOP_URL and the YOUR_API_KEY with the information of your shop. Now you can try to add, edit a product, combination, ... Based on the questions you ask, we will provide a Q&A session where we will explain the questions asked. First release V0.0.1 (2023-06-13) ws-api.zip
  12. Hello @hajusinuyo If you are stil looking for an answer, have a look here:
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