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Joachim Torngren

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Community Answers

  1. Alternativet är att installera hela Prestashop på eget webhotell eller server.
  2. Är du på deras Prestashops molnlösning? Då kan jag tyvärr inte hjälpa dig. Verkar inte som om de tillåter externa moduler? Någon annan som vet?
  3. När du klickat "Add new module" kommer det upp en ny knapp "Choose a file". Där laddar du helt enkelt upp din betalningsmodul (som zip eller tar, ouppackad). Klicka sedan "Upload this module". Installationen sker per automatik. Därefter bör du se din modul i modullistan. Lycka till!
  4. Hej, I Prestashop är det enklast att installera/ladda upp modulen direkt i backoffice, dvs i modules/modules där du hittar knapp "Add a new module". Därefter bör den dyka upp i din modullista.
  5. OK! Kan du inte komma åt dina filer där din Prestashop installation finns? Antingen via ett ftp-program (t.ex. Filezilla) eller om du har C-panel på ditt webhotell - Filemanager? Sök sedan efter en mapp som heter "adminXXXX"
  6. Har du deras Cloud lösning? Känner inte till hur denna funkar, men kommer du åt filerna via FTP? Då bör du i filkatalogen kunna se en mapp som heter adminXXXX (eller något liknande) detta är den URL som du logga in på. Dvs www.dinbutik.com/adminXXXX
  7. Ja, använder Oderland. Bortsett från en liten "incident" nyligen har det fungerat riktigt bra!
  8. Välkommen till forumet! 1. Du måste manuellt ändra i backoffice-localizations-translations-frontoffice. Använd webläsarens sökfunktion och leta upp alla ställen där det står exkl. moms och ersätt med den text du vill ha. 2. Standardmallen funkar bra tycker jag. Har ändrat någon enstaka översättning själv, 3. Billmate är ett tips, de har moduler som funkar. 4. Vet ej, kör på "egen" server. Lycka till!
  9. Issue solved. My hosting company had implemented a security setting on their server that caused this huge delay in admin. Unfortunately the hosting company has been reluctant in their reply to me about the details regarding this change of settings.
  10. Since a few days back I have a problem that it takes more than 3 minutes to save or modify a product in admin (admin/catalog/products). Everything else in admin and frontend is fine. PS live installation. I have a small multistore with less than 200 products. Looking at console it looks like the "controller=AdminProducts" takes most of the time. I also noted that it gets a 302 status. Is that normal??? Also there are 2 warnings and 1 error: 1. Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/. 2. Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type application/javascript: 3. Refused to execute script from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drvic10k/bootstrap-sortable/master/Scripts/bootstrap-sortable.js' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. Not sure if this could be causing the delay or not? I have spent the last 24 hours to try to solve this and have been testing: - Cleared caches (server & browser) - Disabled overrides and non-Presta modules - Tested old databases - Cleaning & repairing database - Regenerated htaccess - Enabled/disabled friendly URLs etc etc Any help is greatly appreciated!
  11. Har du en länk till din sida? Vad menar du med att "allt visas grönt"? Det kan inte vara att du har inställningar i Facebooks gränssnitt under "country restrictions" och "age restrictions"? Dessa måste vara "visable to everyone" annars visas inte Facebooks plugins på Prestashop.
  12. Vidhu, I'm not sure if this is also your problem. But after further investigation I understand that there is an issue after version that if you change the translation in the emails they will not save correctly. Please see this thread: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/413406-solved-email-templates-urls-broken-after-editing-and-saving-%7B-%7D/ and http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-4594?jql= I solved this by uploading a backup of my [roots]/mails folder from late november last year (before and before I changed edited these files myself). Also I deleted every themes/[theme]/mails folder that I had so that PS would only look in the [root]/mails folder. For me now the emails looks nice again. Once again I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, so please make backups before you change and test anything.
  13. I have had same problem for some time. Also links (tracking etc) in e-mail is no longer correct. I have had this problem for about 1 month or so and it happened before upgrading to
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