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Alex Even

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Community Answers

  1. Hello, You can change it by going to International > Translations > Modify translations > Themes translations, then search for "terms of service": you'll see the sentence. Regards,
  2. Hello Mike, As mentioned in the introduction of the article, the translation page will look for new content outside the Classic folder: These methods only work if you are working on a theme with a name that is not “classic”. If you’re tweaking the Classic theme and you’ve kept the “/classic” folder, your new strings won’t be detected. PrestaShop is only looking for new strings in theme folders other than “/classic”. If you're modifying Classic, the best is to create a child theme and rename it. Then if you follow what's in the article, you should be able to translate your new strings. To know more about parent/child theme, please read this documentation: http://developers.prestashop.com/themes/smarty/parent-child-feature.html? You can also see an example here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/childtheme-example Hope this will help
  3. Hello, Please see this ticket and the last comment: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2585 The "missing" translations shouldn't be the problem here. The translation are there in fact (interface is translated), it is simply that Symfony don't see it and shows this error. This will be fixed in version 1.7.2. Can you please open a Forge ticket telling us what you did before it crashed, besides adding the French language? did you made some other changes ? Unfortunately, I can't reproduce your issue. Thanks and regards,
  4. Hello, This string wasn't translatable previously: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-3026 It will be fixed with version 1.7.2, coming soon (in a few weeks). Thanks for your patience, Kind regards,
  5. Hello! The PrestaShop team is currently working on how to improve the software so that it’s compliant with RTL languages. We’d like to involve the community as much as possible, so we’ve open the project on a public Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/szTruf2c Please join to share your feedback and suggestions with us! You can read more about it here: http://build.prestashop.com/news/PrestaShop-RTL-project/ And if you have questions you can contact [email protected] Thanks!
  6. Hello! The PrestaShop team is currently working on how to improve the software so that it’s compliant with RTL languages. We’d like to involve the community as much as possible, so we’ve open the project on a public Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/szTruf2c Please join to share your feedback and suggestions with us! You can read more about it here: http://build.prestashop.com/news/PrestaShop-RTL-project/ And if you have questions you can contact [email protected] Thanks!
  7. Hello MacRoy, Indeed, there are several mistakes in the Swedish localization pack, sorry about that! I've seen your tickets (including PSCSX-6307), and we'll take care of it (though I can't confirm it'll be available with - but we agree that would be nice!) Thanks for your help, and have a great day!
  8. Hello MacRoy, You said you reported the translation issues, do you have a ticket number? (for invoices and drop-down menu) Could you please give me some examples as well? Translation in Swedish is almost 100% complete so I'm trying to see what's the issue here. (and if you feel like helping with the Swedish translation, don't hesitate to join our translation project on Crowdin!) Thank you, Alexandra
  9. Following the publication of version Release Candidate 1, we have fixed a few more issues that had been identified. Thanks for helping with the tests and for the feedback! As announced earlier, version turned out great, but there were still a few bumps here and there. We have fixed the main issues that were reported: 163 pull requests were merged into this version! We’d like to keep testing it with the help of our Community! We need you to make sure that this release is as bug free as possible. Everyone can participate: merchants, developers, designers, translators, … even customers! Test your modules, test your themes, make a test-upgrade on a copy of a real shop, etc. >> Read more about it on the Build devblog! <<
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