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dtwfung last won the day on March 22 2020

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  1. No luck, I re-import again and tried US-EN, US-GB ... same error when ever the language is the default language ! Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred. Unknown locale code: US-EN / en-GB [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Exception\LocalizationException 0]
  2. But you said you ... 4-United kingdom language pack in the first response !?
  3. When you did the step 3, what did you select in the Advanced section below (see attached screen below)
  4. Have you try turn on Prestashop debug mode ?
  5. After using 1-click upgrade from 1 7.6.7 to 1.7.7, I got the same error as well when I tried on my testing site.
  6. Thx for your input. Do you mean you did step 1, 2 and 3 before doing 1-click upgrade ?
  7. You can generate thumbnail at back office. this PHP is shortcut only, and you must have product image already exist in img/p folder ...
  8. I see. but the php does not regenerate. I tried delete a image file in img/p/.../26-small_default.jpg and regenerate, This deleted file did not regenerate. I tried to delete all *.jpg under img/p/2/6 EXCEPT 26.jpg, those files did not regenerate either. When I regenerate with BO -> image setting -> REGENERATE THUMBNAILS, all deleted files were regenerated. Anyway, Many thanks for your assistant !
  9. No compression module here. But, I thought "Errores" means something wrong....
  10. Wonderful. Tried but got errors, and for product is pointing to "watermark" module. Is it compatible to watermark module ?! Thanks in advance ! [15-Apr-2020 10:07:30 Asia/Hong_Kong] Start - products [15-Apr-2020 10:07:30 Asia/Hong_Kong] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/prshopupd/modules/watermark/watermark.php on line 375 [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] End - products [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] Errores [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] Array ( [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] Start - stores [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] End - stores [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] Errores [15-Apr-2020 10:07:35 Asia/Hong_Kong] Array ( ) [15-Apr-2020 10:12:29 Asia/Hong_Kong] Start - categories [15-Apr-2020 10:12:29 Asia/Hong_Kong] End - categories [15-Apr-2020 10:12:29 Asia/Hong_Kong] Errores [15-Apr-2020 10:12:29 Asia/Hong_Kong] Array
  11. Have you reindex all products (under shop parameter -> search -> Add missing products to the index/Re-build the entire index) and make sure the weight is > 0 on the field where you expecting to have occurence of "finalin" ?
  12. For restoration, just restore previous stable copy of file system and database. This is important at all time. For 2and question, I use free version of migrator. Check.here For installation of additional copy, I have my production system on www.xxx.com/shop and testing version on www.xxx.com/testshop. You can have cloned system in another subfolder... Each have separated database and user. Just let customer to access desired one. Never trust any software upgrade, 1-click upgrade...
  13. I did upgrade from to BUT NOT done with 1-click upgrade, and did upgrade to & afterward with 1-click upgrade Any errors after you performed 1-click upgrade ?! I did numbers of 1-click upgrade, the process will tell you if any errors ? Have you do the following actions after 1-click upgrade 1. /var/cache/ 2. cache/smarty/compile 3. cache/smarty/cache 4. img/tmp Have you try to install / run a standard PS on the same host ?! If ALL above does help, you better RESTORE your copy of 1.6 0.14 to resume production system first ! Test on Cloned first ! There is some module doing data migration, like I did in the first step, but I did it on my cloned production first, and make sure they did well before actually do on production system ! BTW, I try entering https://nodesus.com/ and this is what I see. Is it your production site ?! When I click on https://nodesus.com/store/ couple errors on database... Hope this helps !
  14. Hi There, This may be a simple question. I'm using Image Slider (v 3.0) on PS Just found that there is a weird situation. I have description on slide. Text can be displayed when showing on computer (as follow, highlighted in arrow) When I open it mobile device, the text cannot display. (as follow, highlighted in arrow) Or access the site https://cop9gun.com/prshopupd/tw/ in live. However, slide's title (second and third slides) can be displayed on BOTH computer and mobile. Are there separate formatting for mobile !? thanks David
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