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Vincent Beudez

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Community Answers

  1. Bonjour, On va sortir une ces prochains jours avec des correctifs notamment côté upgrade. Je vous conseille de réessayer à ce moment là. La PR en question : https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/7746
  2. Hi, The 1.7 version won't be available on the Cloud before a long time. If you need to run your online business soon, I would advice you to do on the, but more on the download version. If you can wait a few months, maybe you can try on 1.7 version (you already can test it with the beta 2 version, on our website). But as the Cloud is still on a "old" version of Prestashop, I would not advice to run a true business anymore on it, whereas we improve a lot of things on the 1.7
  3. Bonjour, J'arrive assez tard et je vois que votre NDD est déjà configuré, mais normalement cela se fait automatiquement suite à l'achat via le Cloud. A quel moment avez vous eu ce message de configuration de DNS lors de votre process d'achat svp ? car il n'aurait pas du apparaitre. merci
  4. Hi Doekia, I agree with you on some points, of course. First, here is my point of view, only mine, not the one of the company. Cloud was launched in september 2014, maybe too fast, maybe not considering enough the unstability of the platform. It's hard to deny it. Since it has been launched, we have worked hard to solve this unstability and also the newcome problems you're talking about. Not enough, of course, as we still have problems, some merchants are still penalized by them. There are lacks at every level on our side, I agree with it. Everything won't be solved easily, but our Cloud merchants can see better performances (since few months) because we delete inactive shops, so the platform is less empty. Important point : that's not because we have thousands of happy sellers that we have to give up the unhappy ones, with problems. When I complain about trolling, it's not against the message that is said, it's just the way it is said. As previously said, I mostly agree with what is said. But as we are working hard on many points, it's not easy to hear that we are doing bullshit or we are lazy But, I insist on that, we try to hear what's behind that.
  5. Hi RRA, My apoligize if you felt insulted. The "trolling fact" was not for you, of course. I'm really sorry for that misunderstanding. Usually, the shops are deleted after 6 weeks of inactivity (it means no connexion to the back office). There are several emails sent before this delay, and i'm trying to find why you didn't receive emails from us. It's under investigation.
  6. @Tweb :Oh, I forgot you had access to our databases I'm not working at the marketing department, I just have data you don't have. I won't give you the orders they have, I won't give you thousands of shops, I can give you lots of shops that lives from their Cloud activity. Maybe not on the forum because privacy respect, but here are a few I know I can give their names: https://www.makeupatelier.fr/fr/ https://shop.quotidiano.net/ http://www.sticker-autocollant.com/ hundreds of thousands of revenue per year on Cloud. Yes Cloud is mostly for small businesses. No you cannot do whatever you want on a Cloud shop. But Cloud allow people that didn't want, didn't try to have an ecommerce shop via an agency because of the costs or because it's too difficult, to launch their activity. And when they reach the Cloud limits, they can migrate easily to a download version and then, they are helped by an agency because it means their activity is running well. Cloud has never been aimed to replace download or to have the same scope. It's impossible and would have been against the community. About the example you gave, this case had never appeard previously. We are working on it, I agree that's a mystery, and a very big one. Some shops were deleted because lack of activity, we deleted a few (maybe half a dozen, we can find their feedback here on the forum) because of a database problem. But a total reset of the shop, i've never seen that before.
  7. Let's stop trolling please. We have more than 10.000 happy sellers on Cloud. Sometimes there are problems, yes. But we ALWAYS hear unhappy people more than happy ones. You don't like this, you may have your reasons, but please, be a bit objective. We try to solve problems, stabilize the platform, it's not the hell you're talking about. But I can imagine me and our happy sellers won't convince you About your shop, RRA, is it this one ? http://shop.rocketroseart.com/ ? it hasn't been deleted, it's still live. If you need help to connect, please ask
  8. Sérieusement, ce n'est pas l'envie qui manque de venir plus souvent ici, mais le temps. On est plusieurs à venir sur le forum, on communique de plus en plus ici et ailleurs, via Twitter ou le blog Build, lancé ya un an environ : http://build.prestashop.com/ Sur certains projets dédiés, nous avons des canaux de discussion ouverts, on est actifs sur Github (même si pas assez pour traiter les PR). On a déjà reçu pas mal de monde et on ne peut pas dire que l'équipe actuelle soit fermée à la discussion. Ya bien un historique plus ou moins glorieux, des rancoeurs qui trainent des deux côtés, mais notre objectif n'est surement pas d'écarter la communauté, au contraire
  9. Je vous ai remis le mode catalogue. Je ne comprends pas bien ce qui se passe et pourquoi c'est arrivé. J'ai joué avec le cache et diverses options, aucun changement, j'ai toujours ce message d'erreur à l'ajout au panier. En revanche, j'ai créé un produit test et j'ai réussi à l'ajouter au panier. Donc ce que vous pouvez faire en attendant lundi, c'est essayer de dupliquer vos produits, du moins essayer avec un ou deux pour voir si les nouveaux produits peuvent être achetés. La différence est aussi que ce produit n'était pas associé à un entrepôt, peut être que la gestion des stocks avancés en est la cause, mais cela m'étonnerait. Mais cela reste un vrai mystère, et même si l'achat fonctionne sur les nouveaux produits, contactez le service client via les tickets de support, décrivez le problème et indiquez de voir avec moi pour plus de précision.
  10. Là comme ça non, ça ne me dit rien. Est ce arrivé à un seul client ou tous ? Est ce après l'installation du thème par exemple, ou d'un module en particulier ? Ou alors c'est arrivé comme ça d'un coup, sans aucune action back office ? Ca vous embete si j'enlève le mode catalogue 2 minutes pour faire un test ?
  11. Bonjour, J'arrive à accéder à votre site, mais aucun produit ne peut être ajouté au panier, vous avez encore le souci ?
  12. Hi, You can use the theme you bought on the new shop, you just need to connect your new shop to your addons account from the back office.
  13. Hmm after having taken a look in your shop, I would advise you to create a new one and delete this one. Something happened, i've never seen it. it will be easier to do it than fixing this one.
  14. Hi, Did you delete all the categories including the Root one ?
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