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About George.Gall

  • Birthday 04/04/1982

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    Rome - Italy
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  1. Ok , so the solution was fairly simple. taoufiqaitali added only the tab content to the displayhome hook, but in fact the displayhometab and displayhometabcontent are related because the actual caching happens in the tab. The CORRECT solution is to edit the blocknewproducts.php in the prestashop_folder/modules/blocknewproducts/ and add this code wherever you want. public function hookDisplayHome($params) { $this->hookdisplayHomeTab($params); $this->hookdisplayHomeTabContent($params); }
  2. This happens because the hook is trying to display the tabed content , but you just unhooked the tab from displayhometabcontent thus nothing is displaying. I am looking for a solution. Could you share a link or do you work in local too , like yasaman ?
  3. Different modules might need different approaches. Let me look into the Best sellers module. I will come back with an answer. EDIT: Ok, so for the best sellers you need to look for {if isset($best_sellers) && $best_sellers} and add after it on a new line : <h4 class="title_block">{l s='Top sellers' mod='blockbestsellers'}</h4>
  4. You should go into themes/Yourtheme/modules/blocknewproducts/ and edit the blocknewproducts_home.tpl look for {if isset($new_products) && $new_products} and right after it on a new line add : <h4 class="title_block">{l s='New products' mod='blocknewproducts'}</h4> It should work, I have no way to test right now , as my local version is a bit messed up Let me know how it went. Always make a back-up of the original file just in case.
  5. paste your code directly in the databasetable is yourprefix_ebay_configuration
  6. There might be a solution. You can manually edit the field in the database. Go to your database, look for yourprefix_ebay_configuration look for a field named "EBAY_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE" and modify it's value with the desired HTML. You can try to copy all the field contents, and paste them into the HTML editor of you choice. When finished editing just paste all the HTML back in the field in database. It's a messy solution but at least it works.
  7. Yeah , I know. Seemed like a great place to ask for a solution to my issue since it was quantity related too.
  8. tried to set this to 1 with no luck. any ideeas why is not working ?
  9. Hi , I am looking for a solution to set a default quantity of 1 when I insert a new product. By default is 0. I'm not talking about the minimal quantity but about the actual product quantity.
  10. I'd like to display in the newproducts page not only the new products , but also old products that have been modified lastly. My shop treats unique products, and once a product is soldout , it may return in a slightly different version. Thus the need to appear as a NEW Product. In order to achieve this I neeed to mofify the getNewProducts function to do my bidding. But I am stuck coz I don't know where to find it. Any ideeas ? EDIT: Found it , it is a public function in classes/Product.php Now I need to update the SQL to add OR my condition ) will update. ok done ... a bit too long to post here , so if anyone need it , just message me.
  11. So the only solution I've found this far is to hide the SHOW ALL button. From the theme's Pagination.TPL file Just comment out the <form> tag. Smarty comment syntax is : {* *} Or hide it by css by adding this line at the end of GLOBAL.CSS file in your theme .showall {display: none;} The main point is that until a valid fix is released or found, this might come in handy. Why ? Simply because by having a layered navigation module allows the users to narrow the displayed products so much that in the end they won't even need the "show all" button. This is not a fix , just a temporary solution I've came up with, and used on my site as well. If I will find a real solution I will post it here. Have fun. Happy shopping.
  12. Ok , so I've looked some more into this. There is indeed a problem in between layered navigation and prestashop's pagination. The layered navigation module adds a # after the category name and makes it's own pagination wich is no longer comaptible with some of the mothods from the original pagination. Just try to delete the # from the address bar and go to that address and you will see that it changes from http://www.reef-guardian.com/boutique/fr/18-test-de-l-eau#/availability-in_stock/weight-0.2-1 to http://www.reef-guardian.com/boutique/fr/18-test-de-l-eau?selected_filters=availability-in_stock%2Fweight-0.2-1 after that everything will work. To be more precise in the Blocklayered.js you will find function initLayered() { initFilters(); initSliders(); initLocationChange(); updateProductUrl(); if (window.location.href.split('#').length == 2 && window.location.href.split('#')[1] != '') { var params = window.location.href.split('#')[1]; reloadContent('&selected_filters='+params); } } I now understood what the problem is , and I will look for a solution. Catch you soon.
  13. It's like "Dude , my car stoped working" and the other say "mine too" , "mine too" ... Post the links to your websites so we can have a look. Let your car(website) be seen by a mechanic
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