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Premium 99GB Hosting

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  • Location
    Bali, Indonesia
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    Want 99GB Premium Hosting? Check here: English Version (USD): http://www.sitewalls.com Indonesian Version (Rp.): http://www.gigmanity.com/promo99gb
  • Activity
    Web development agency

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I think that you need PHP code to replace space into coma for the product name, and put that code in the meta keywords.
  2. The statistic will not be shown after few minutes, wait for few more hours to see statistic of your website in GA.
  3. Maybe the cart doesn't match the shipping condition, or the user's country. You may check the shipping configuration about this. I use no more than 2 shipping option.
  4. Hi Alan, It's a great thing that you backed up your site. How about manual upgrade, as the one click failed?
  5. susah cari yg free gan, soalnya yg buat aja jarang. kl yg paid kan banyak tuh di kategori jasa dan lowongan kerja
  6. Error setelah update memang tidak heran lagi, tapi setiap update pasti tujuannya untuk memperbaiki bug yg ada sebelumnya, kalaupun ada error lg maklum kok, krn ga semua bug / error bisa terselesaikan dalam sekali update.
  7. maksudnya mau bikin multivendor site tapi produknya bisa disundul gt mas?
  8. Dicari di settingannya gan utk ngubah url dan point ke domain baru / url barunya.
  9. Cachenya diaktifkan kl web tokonya udah bener2 jadi gan, kan tujuannya agar cepet ngeload Kl masih dalam konstruksi dimatikan dulu utk sementara.
  10. Apa udah solved mas gan? Dulu saya dapet kaya gitu, trus install ulang dengan terpaksa, dan hilang tuh penyakitnya. Saya dulu berfikir ah mungkin ada yg saya salah setting Ternyata ada jg yg ikutan ngalamin kwkwkwkw
  11. Wow nice information, that's why template developers are working hard for responsive theme!
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