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  1. Hello, for the arrows that you don't see, the problem is almost certainly that the images you uploaded are not high enough, or that they have a white background. Try to upload an image the same size as the default ones and not having a white background. @Modesco, you need to have an access to your server via a ftp software like filezilla (or the administration panel offered by the hoster) to find the file
  2. I had exactly the same problem and to make it easy to understand for people like me who are not specialists, the solution is: 1. go to yoursite/themes/default-bootstrap/modules/homeslider and download the file homeslider.tpl 2. open the file in an editor like Komodo Edit 3. on line 35 you have this: <img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$smarty.const._MODULE_DIR_`homeslider/images/`$slide.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'`")}"{if isset($slide.size) && $slide.size} {$slide.size}{else} width="100%" height="100%"{/if} alt="{$slide.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> 4. Change homeslider/images by homeslider/img and save 5. Upload the new homeslider.tpl file at the same place as where it was 6. it's done
  3. Problème réglé. J'ai trouvé le module "bloc contact" que j'ai mis à jour et le problème est réglé.
  4. Hello, I just installed the new Prestashop 1.6 and I try to find out how to edit the phone number (or remove it) on top left of the default theme (in the text "Call us now toll free…"). I've searched everywhere, in modules and other menus but can't find the solution. Anyone knows? Thanks!
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