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  1. Sai darmi un'idea su dove cercare? Brancolo nel buio... Nel forum inglese mi hanno consigliato di or just increase value of AUTO_INCREMENT for orders table, and also for ps_cart table. with high number (as an primary key) you will avoid all of this Ma ovviamente non ho idea di cosa significhi
  2. forse anche io il vostro stesso problema... A me inserisce i prodotti che dopo installazione vengono messi come demo... Ed ho anche il vettore prova sempre dei dati demo.. Sul forum inglese mi hanno dato questa soluzione or just increase value of AUTO_INCREMENT for orders table, and also for ps_cart table. with high number (as an primary key) you will avoid all of this Ovviamente non ho capito nulla.. Adesso leggo i link postati da ariom...
  3. Only a single order with non existent items is absolutely bearable .. so if the future is safe I avoid losing sight sailing in the database tables
  4. Marty I'm sorry.. I don't speak or write English very well and I even can't understand and explain what is happening in Italian , imagine in English I told you were wrong because I understand this from your post: 1.Those products and that courier were existing while my first order arrived so they appeared there 2. Then you deleted them 3. So they will never appear again. This is not true because I deleted them (manually) 3 months ago... But surely you were trying to explain me something different and I didn't understand you, I'm sorry
  5. Ok, believe me, I was trying to say exactly the same thing I'm a ghostbuster I hope to find them.. Thank you all
  6. Ma attivando il b2b inserisce in fattura anche il cf di cliente privato? O inserisce solo il cf di cliente azienda?
  7. I attached a screenshot of the invoice I get when I simulate an order (in reality I bought only the last product). The grand total is right.. Bah....
  8. I'm sorry I'm a basket case I mean that I deleted them only manually in BO, without touching the database. I don't know if some no chance unfortunately ... They are visible ONLY in the orer. and the courier too. I have an insane idea ( I do not know what to think ... ) Could some pieces of data be left stored in database for some strange reason?
  9. This will be a problem since I can't see those products nowhere. Only in the resume of the order. that's why we call them ghost... Is it possible that a manual cancellation (made after installation) leave something in database? I really can't understand...
  10. Ok, so this MUST be the problem. The question now is: is it possible to use the cleaner module when the catalogue is not empty?
  11. I had an Epiphany tonight: I have not delete demo data I've only choose "no" in demo modality. Could this be the problem? how can I solve it? (I found some ways but everyone should have been made with an empty catalogue, at the very beginning of all)
  12. Né il corriere né quei prodotti esistono più dall'alba dei tempi... E infatti non sono visualizzabili da nessuna parte sia nel bo sia nel fo... Appaiono solo nella lista degli oggetti acquistati di un ordine.. Ma mi sta venendo un dubbio.. E cioè che io non ho cancellato bensì semplicemente nascosto i dati esempio con l'opzione nella pagina iniziale del pannello di controllo... So che Prestashop Optimizer cancella i dati esempio... Ma io ormai ho il catalogo pieno.... come potrei fare?
  13. No, in front office everything is ok... but all documents (invoice, bill, etc) are wrong. This is very unhandy. But I didn't use module to clear... I manually delete demo custom/order/products... so why do I have to cohabit with this? no, the ghost carrier is shown ONLY in that order (and in those following, I've tryied...) I'll see it ...unfortunately you're wrong. The ghost carrier doesn't exist since my first installation. It can't be associated with an order made today. Furthermore, it appears in every following order...
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