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  1. Hello Everyone, In PrestaShop's latest version 1.7 menu list becomes more lengthy due to installing modules in the store. So now the problem is we can't access menu list from last installed modules because it goes beyond the screen and there is no such scroll bar to go down.
  2. Hello Everyone, I want to sell my module which is working on 1.5,1.6 and 1.7 respectively but module package is different for 1.6 and 1.7 so how can I give the customer to choose version as they want to use on their store. For example in addons.prestashop.com PayPal official module is there on download button click it will ask to the customer to choose package as it has 4 different versions as compatible to prestashop versions. so I want something like this.
  3. You must be misunderstood somewhere you not need to edit each order for that... Just Goto Orders -> Statuses Menu in admin panel and edit status once only not everytime. I hope now you have clear this things. (y)
  4. Hello bellini13, Thank you for your suggestion it really helps.
  5. Hello Prestashop Experts, I want to override view.tpl of order in admin panel so I have place view.tpl file in following path mymodule/override/controllers/admin/templates/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl and it works perfectly but when Im trying to validate my module package on prestashop validator gives following error Templates should be placed in /views/templates/(admin|hook|front) How can I resolve this please help me. Should I add comment in header part of tpl file and submit with error or is there another way?
  6. write following code and execute in install method. $parent_tab = new Tab(); $parent_tab->class_name = 'Tabs AdminControllerName'; $parent_tab->module = $this->name; $parent_tab->id_parent = 0; $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); foreach ($languages as $lang) $parent_tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = 'Tab Name'; $parent_tab->save();
  7. Goto Back Office Advance Parameters->Performance and Clear Cache form right top. and if possible then disable the cache.your problem will be solved.
  8. before use { $HOOK_PAYMENT} in .tpl file you have to define that smarty variable in controller file of that CMS page as follows. $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_PAYMENT' => Hook::exec('displayPayment'), )); then you will able to display all payment method list in the .tpl file of CMS page.
  9. this is done in root/classes/PaymentModule.php class's validateOrder method. but if you want to implement this on your module then you have to override that method in your module first then only it will allow. otherwise you can change the same file as well for your store.
  10. for this I think following link helps you. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/463223-variable-smarty-in-controller-to-a-tpl/
  11. that alter query you have to perform while your module install method is called. meanwhile these all performs when your module is installing.
  12. so please mark it solved if It helps you to solve your problem.
  13. for that alter table of object which you want to add data in my example I have altered order object by following $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` ADD `test1` TINYINT(1)'; $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` ADD `test2` decimal(17,2)'; foreach ($sql as $query) if (Db::getInstance()->execute($query) == false) return false; and override object's class file and add new variable that you want to save like follows. class Order extends OrderCore { public $test1; public $test2; public function getFields() { $fields = parent::getFields(); $fields['test1'] = pSQL($this->test1); $fields['test2'] = pSQL($this->test2); return $fields; } }
  14. so now uninstall your module and clear cache and disable cache from back office now install your module. and check it
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