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    Paris, France
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Community Answers

  1. Hello, This isn't the right section of the forum for your question, I move your topic.
  2. Hello mtporter, You'll find all our slider modules here. Fore more information, I advise you to contact the developer of the module directly. Have a great day
  3. Last news: I received your email and our customer service will process to a refund of the theme. You will receive it within 4 days (without counting the week-end) Have a great day!
  4. Hello, I'm really sorry to read you didn't get any answer. Could you post me your Addons order number so I can check your order and see why the developer didn't answer? Thank you!
  5. Hello, If the domain site on which you want to test your template isn't registered as the final website, then yes, you can test it. Have a nice day
  6. Est-ce un thème acheté sur Addons ? Dans tous les cas je vous suggère de contacter le développeur pour lui faire remonter le soucis
  7. Attention, je vous suggère de sélectionner le thème par défaut déjà installé, et non pas le code
  8. Et en réinstaurant le thème par défaut ça fonctionne complètement aussi ? Si oui, le problème vient du thème que vous utilisez.
  9. Hello Kialel, Peux-tu me poster le lien de ta boutique pour un petit test stp ? T'es-tu également assuré que les déclinaisons ajoutées soient bien en stock ? Merci
  10. Hello, Peux-tu créer un ticket sur notre plateforme de report de bug stp » http://forge.prestashop.com. Nos développeurs pourront se pencher sur le problème plus en profondeur. Merci
  11. Hello Zaioneh, You posted your spanish question in the English forum, that's why you didn't get a lot of answers I'm moving your topic in the correct section. This way you'll get the help you need. Have a nice day.
  12. Hi lexusnexus, Can you post me here your Addons order number or send me your mail address by private message so I can check everything? Thanks a lot!
  13. Hi Olafur, As El Patron suggested, you can contact our team either thanks to the live chat, or by telephone. You'll find all the contact information on the website. Have a nice day
  14. Hi andilong, The module you were looking for is still available on Addons here. It wasn't removed. Have a great day
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