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  1. Hi! In the default ps theme, image slider from the module HomeSlider were pre-configured with static values for standard window outputs, instead of a % ( don't ask me why ) The plugin BxSlider 4 kind of fixed it, but in my case the result wasn't what I needed so I changed this values in the module core. May be that's your problem. Could you post a link?
  2. I had the same problem and just updated the layered navigation module. Well the pagination problem is gone but now the issue is in the products displayed at the Home category. Instead of displaying all the Home's subcategories products ( as it should after associating them with this category) it displays only the products of one category which in my case is the 4th one in the categories list. Why??? And why the 4th??? Seriously... I'll translate an spanish sentence for this cases: I laugh in order to not cry
  3. That's fun, I've just updated the layered navigation module and the issue it's fixed (Thanks) But now in Home category which should display all products is displaying only one category ( the 4th one in the list of categories). What the .... Im moving to this topic, it seems to be more popular: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/321677-pagination-16-not-working-please-help/
  4. I'm about to give up with PS , after 1 week debugging I can't find where is the issue and how to solve it. I think it's a PS bug Can anybody help please?
  5. Hi, Thanks for your answer. I only have products and I've made some changes in order to customize the shop loosing these features, but i'll try to make a test with best-sellers. Maybe this is related, category filter ( usually hooked in left column) doesn't work either. The filters left (like condition, price range, etc..) work fine. But category's dropbown filter doesn't trigger any event. EDIT: Categories filter works after selecting other filter, I mean if you filter by category and then by price for instance it finally works. But not by it self. And using these filters also makes bottom-pagination disappears, so it has to be related in someway. UPDATE: The pagination disappears when the url has a "#" For instace: http://domain.com/en/{id}--{category}#/ http:/domain.com/en/12--tools#/ Despite of being on page 1 the pagination bottom is also gone Sorry about not giving real links but I'm working in Local. Thanks!
  6. Hi, I have an issue with pagination, it only appears in page 1 of product-list. I'm checking the code with the original source and it seems to be right. Any one has a clue of what could be going on? PS__Version__1.6 Thanks
  7. Hi, I've configured my PS to allow png images and I've added them, but the browser still trying to load the jpg source. Any body has any clue about what's going on? Thanks!
  8. Hi Benjamin, Thanks for you answer! I have configured my category tree like this: . Home .Products .Category of products .Product The problem is that when category of products are diplayed the block category module hooked in left column disappears, and I mean that it isn't even loaded (in some case I've read it could be hidden by css). I've checked the hook in this page and it's ok, CMS block hooked there is loaded and displayed. I've also checked the module's exceptions and there is no exception that could be applied in this page. I'm kind of stuck there, thanks for your help!
  9. Hi, I've noticed that the block categories doesn't load at category pages showing subcategories and products. I've checked the html to be sure that it is hidden, but no. I've checked exceptions too and it should appear.
  10. Hi, I have the same problem but in category page. In my case I don't think there's a css issue, the left column is displayed, I can see the cms module. But the category block is not loaded. The hook is right and I didn't see any smarty if statemen that could block this module, I've checked the exceptions too... Any clue @vekia? Thanks!
  11. I'm kind of joking, PS team did a great job with PS 1.6, it has to be said. There are some issues but it's a really good cms. I don't like smarty thought, I think that is restrictive, kind of messy and poorly dynamic if you don't are a pro on it. I will upload the fix I made to github.
  12. I've found the solution for the html issue. The problem is in the module tpl. You will find it in : modules/themeconfigurator/views/templates/hook the file name is hook.tpl (why this module has a different structure? ) So in hook.tpl you will find the div that contains the html code which has this in the smarty call : "escape:'htmlall' : 'UTF8' " Get rid of it and it will print the html code right. This is not a solution, it's a hack. A good solution could be to implement a real rich text editor in the module's configurator, and name it text editor (not html) , so the final admin user could edit an create rich text. I know this is a free module, but what the heck PS Team? That's an important bug, and why name the text area html??? Je ne comprends pas
  13. Hi, I think this module doesn't work properly. The html tag is a plain text editor not html ( why did them named it html? ). The module prevent to get rid of the initial images so you have to make them inactive and create new ones. I didn't find any solution to customize this module so I decided to create a new one, it's a shame because in the faq, user's , developer's and designer's guide there is no information about this module and it's impossible to make a full customization of it.
  14. This is a hack not a solution, but it worked for me in 1.6 : Go to homeslider.tpl in your theme/module folder and change the image attributes: <img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$smarty.const._MODULE_DIR_`homeslider/images/`$slide.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'`")}"{if isset($slide.size) && $slide.size} {$slide.size}{else} width="900px" height="100%"{/if} alt="{$slide.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> Get rid of this {if isset($slide.size) && $slide.size} {$slide.size}{else} and set up your width, You wont be able to use this module with other widths, but you can create/dupllicate the module with other name. The better way thought is to find the var and change it there, but smarty is a mess if you don't know it well
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