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  1. NOBODY KNOWS... yet. but I did FIXED IT Open the CORE FILE "FrontController.php" located at webroot/classes/controller JUST Remark this line to stop the site from returning the 503 Header Line 589: header('HTTP/1.1 503 temporarily overloaded');
  2. any help please, I presume that my site is already available in search query when you search on the name of the site, even if it was still under maintenance. but instead it returned - Service unavialable using Bing SEO analyzer... please help
  3. Please anyone who knows how to fetch the Current Employee Name-whos currently working on the backend and attach his/her name on the Supply Order Form sent to the supplier. please see attached PO Form (Supply Order Form).. many thanks SupplyOrderForm_1115-4.pdf
  4. right now i am still under maintenance www.forma.ph - but if you can relay to me your IP, i can add it for your to see it. Thanks dioniz..
  5. Hi Can anyone please help me fix the appearance of one of my subcategory from a parent menu, normally it should be displayed inline, but instead after the first sub-category the succeeding subcategories are now extending to the next line. see the attached pictures. tophorizontalmenu-01 and the other one tophorizontalmenu-02
  6. Yes Paul, it seemed to be like that, but what if instead of the brand I would prefer to names of suppliers which represents as a brand? how could it be possible to retrieve all the list of suppliers and display it based on the category?
  7. Anybody please who can enlighten me, on how to solve this problem: ** I have 6 Different parent Categories; Women, Men, Kids, Accessories, Bags and Beauty. and for each categories it had sub-categories like in Women; it had Clothing sub-category and Shoes sub-category which is displayed on its submenu, what I want is to add another column for the top brands/supplier for Clothing and Top brands/supplier for Shoes under the women Category. and goes on same with the other parent categories. see the attached pictures bellow: what could the best possible solution coding for this. Thanks
  8. Hi Can anyone please help me fix the appearance of one of my subcategory from a parent menu, normally it should be displayed inline, but instead after the first sub-category the succeeding subcategories are now extending to the next line. see the attached pictures. tophorizontalmenu-01 and the other one tophorizontalmenu-02
  9. SOLVED!.. refer to this http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/316381-logo-de-paiement-et-wishlist/?hl=product+payment+logo+block&do=findComment&comment=1601407
  10. same problem, after I update the module, It doesn't appear anymore in my product page, it should be displaying within the sidebar just within the add to cart button and add to wishlist. Also is it possible that the "Product payment logos block" can be transplanted at the footer? Need assistance...
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