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  1. For fully functional script including duplicate checking and "one to many" and "many to one" (bidirectional) solution. Contact us.
  2. If you want to show regular price and without discounts, you should use formula like this: {($product.price_without_reduction/(1-$product.customer_group_discount) )|round:2}{$currency.sign})
  4. Hello, after upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7 whenever I tried to edit product all I get is Exception Page: 1GB is allocated to this vHost so it's not possible that is too low, I tried with 2GB - same things. Categories count: 232 Please let me know if you can help me.
  5. Upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7 lead to "Access Denied" problem. The solution with replacing ps_access table as @Michal suggest, work like a charm. Try to rename (ex. add suffix _bak) table instead of deleting it - always good behaviour. If you need further assistance, touch me by [email protected] ps_access.sql
  6. Hey RasdyCute, please check my previous reply to this topic, you should find this file uploaded to hosting server. Let me know if it's working for you. Please keep in mind that this topic is pretty old and this bug can be already fixed in newest version of this module (its official on prestashop GitHub) I also suggest you to try one from github. Greetings, Damian
  7. Please check and make sure your theme js /themes/.../js/modules/) does not override modules/blocklayered/js this file. Please correct me if i'm wrong with path and let me know if this work for you. Damian.
  8. Whenever it's my fault about posting a file - sorry! Today evening I will post it again (not in home right now). Greetings @edit I'm not able to post any attachments and even download my own (persmision denied). Quick link: http://www41.zippyshare.com/v/NIWvMeBt/file.html Please reupload this into forum file system if you can. Cheers.
  9. Hello Nemo1, could you provide code to such described solutions? Can be an example
  10. Yes, but it's display subcategories only from one level deeper. Is there a chance to display subcategories from every level?
  11. Okay i figured it out, it's as simple as php function "file_exist". Code work: in blocklayered.tpl after "{if $filter.filter_type == 1}" which means it's category type filter: {if file_exists($cat_img_dir|cat:$id_value|cat:'.jpg')} 1 {else} 0 {/if} 1 - true, 0 - false Remember to put this code in foreach loop to initiate vars. In blocklayered.php above "'col_img_dir' => _PS_COL_IMG_DIR_" add: 'cat_img_dir' => _PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_, If you have any question or i am wrong about smth, feel free to reply. Cheers, Damian from web-zlecenia.pl
  12. Thank you, it worked perfect on mine Prestashop. @1st edit: Doesnt work, it's save position on front side but while you edit certain filter it got default value positions. @2rd edit: Now it's working for me, PS v1.6.1.3, ../modules/blocklayered/js/ extract attachment to it. Notify whenever it's work or not for you. js.zip
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