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  1. I have an existing Prestshop store I launched on January 7. (I'd had one previously, but rebuilt it with a custom theme when moving to my base domain.) The store is functioning fine. I am using Prestashop I have a Google Analytics account. I used the free module to set up analytics, input my UA tracking number, and Prestashop seemed to think everything was fine. When I searched the code, my UA tracking number was visible, but Google Analytics showed tracking was not installed. I went through a Google Analytics forum. They posted the following response. Your GA code is a weird mix between the way classic analytics is called and the way universal analytics code is called. Unfortunately this causes your code to fail. Here you can see how the code should look like: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs You should contact the support for the GA module that you have installed or, if that is a free module, maybe try a different module (if there is any). I thought the module would install it correctly so it would start working, but that hasn't happened. I tried pasting in the code myself into the custom template I'm using header.tpl file, but that caused my site to not even load, so I undid that change. Currently my site works, but Google Analytics still will not. I'm wondering if maybe I need to uninstall the Analytics module and if there is specific code in specific files I need to delete and replace with the snippet Analytics provides. Not surprisingly, I know very little about this stuff, but have been working my way through. Now I'm stuck. I appreciate any help. Prestashop Custom Responsive Theme Working in Chrome and Explorer
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