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About samuelprabhu

  • Birthday May 5

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  1. Hi!, I am using Prestashop version I am currently working on to provided the unsubscribe link to newsletter email. I just want to know the following details: 1) Is it updating the newsletter field in customer table is enough. 2) Any other is related with this process (newsletter subscribtion) 3) similary vice versa to reactive newsletter.
  2. Thanks Jgamio, I solved the db operations edit and save issues by calling parent::postProcess();.
  3. Hi! I am using prestashop version 1.6 and developing custom admin module which completely consist of all the operations in backend only. I am unable to sort certain things and struggling specifically database operations. I have created a model, controller and tpl by referring https://github.com/P...e-Prestashop-15 my doubts are, 1) what is the purpose of postProcess() method? 2) how to differentiate add and update operations? 3) how to load values to the form in case of edit? 4) ajax call to controller? I just need a example for the above things. Anyone there to help to get clear idea.
  4. Thanks a lot.. Job done... One question is there any way to find the difference between add and edit in postProcess() method.
  5. Hi! Jgamio, Thanks for your answer. I have created the admin page as mentioned in the link you provided. I still have some doubts in that admin example controller, 1) I need to edit the query that displays the list ? 2) How to get and insert values from form created with helper class as in the example?
  6. Hi! How to create new admin page in prestashop 1.6.x. I have followed the below steps in previous occasion: create controllers/admin/AdminPageController.php with the follwing content: class AdminPageController extends AdminController { public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); $smarty = $this->context->smarty; $smarty->assign('test', 'test1'); } } Delete: /cache/class_index.php Create: admin\themes\default\template\controllers\page\content.tpl zzz{$test}zzz At BackOffice -> Administration -> Menus -> [Add New]: Name: Page Class: AdminPage Parent: Catalog Click the [save] button and the menu item should appear at the "Catalog" menu. The above steps worked well in prestashop 1.5.x versions. I tried the same in pretashop 1.6.x, but it is showing blank even after explicitly write the html content in tpl file or give the assigned smartry variable 'test'. My questions are, 1) how to call the custom tpl file in custom admin controller to show tpl content in prestashop 1.6.x? 2) how to send values to tpl file from custom admin controller in prestashop 1.6.x? 3) how to assign the tpl file to a php variable? I need to create custom controller and custom tpl in admin and need to show in admin. Anyone please help me to sort out this with sample code.
  7. Hi! EdEichman, Sorry the actual URL is www.sayarjewellers.com (admin url: www.sayarjewellers.com/admincp) and not www.sayarjewellers.in, I have mistyped. Actually I have noticed now relating to this issue that when deactive the added categories, the front office is showing. When adding more category the frontoffice becomes blank and shows no errors.
  8. Hi! I am using prestashop for my shop. Everything was working fine, recently i have updated few products. After that i am facing a strange issue, that my frontoffice shows blankpage and not showing any error even after turning on the error report [ define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', TRUE); ]. My backoffice works fine with no issue. I have tried to clear cache by manually as well as in backoffice. But still no use, anyone please help to sort out this issue. This is my URL: www.sayarjewellers.in.
  9. Hi! Silistre, Can you say how you sorted out this issue. Because I too have the same issue.
  10. Hi! All, I need to know, how to get the default lang in php/tpl? When i tried to run the query in local by joining the language table and defaultly id_lang=1, it is working in local. but when I tried to run the same in my website. It displays the records for all languages, eventhough I disabled other languages. Kindly help me...
  11. Thanks nemo, This issue has been sorted out by uploading directly into server. It is related to host issues and not related to prestashop.
  12. Thanks, Iinks working fine but issue i am facing is that total page gets reloaded and the selected filters gets cleared. Any suggestions to get rid of this issue.
  13. Hi! All I am having issue in redirect the url to particular page. for eg, When i try to redirect to the below link: http://localhost:90/silverslane/index.php?id_category=3&controller=category&id_lang=1&id_lang=1&orderby=price&orderway=asc#/wt-1_gram it automatically changes to the below url and not showing the desired page. http://localhost:90/silverslane/index.php?id_category=3&controller=category&id_lang=1&id_lang=1&orderby=price&orderway=asc#/. The same issue I am facing in website also. I have tried to turn on friendly urls, but no use.. Kindly help to sort out this issue.
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