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selectshop.at last won the day on January 27 2020

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  1. La plantilla en uso no es compatible con la versión php en uso en su servidor. Debes adaptar el tema para que sea compatible. Pregunte al desarrollador del tema.
  2. Bizkick is not default Prestashop theme. Try to disable it and configure the shop first with default modules and theme and only afterwards install foreign things. Probably you are using something not compatible with your Prestashop version or the server configuration you are using.
  3. Are you using any non-standard, i.e. extra module installed afterwards, which is not standard of Prestashop hop package ? If yes, disable it.
  4. Are you using any legal module ? Disable it ant try.
  5. No topo direito da página vc. cliqua no seu profile, e selecion "account settings". Lá vc. encontr um ponto "display name". Vc. pode alterar o nome somente uma vez a cad 30 dias.
  6. Please post your questions in correct forum section. Prestashop Meetups is not correct one, besides you are not writing in English language. Doubts in Spanish should be added to Spanish Language forum section. I'm moving your question to there.
  7. Just for my understanding ? Why create groups outside the official forum ? Each language has a forum sub-section here. Developers can help/exchange ideas on Pretashop github community. Furthermore there is a blog in English and other languages as well for Prestashop. Most of the countries do have a Prestashop Ambassador organizing meetings and promoting Prestashop, so I don't know what more do you need/expect.
  8. You need to install two SSL certificates. One per domain. So you need dns zone for both. Ask for assistance of your provider, if you don't know how to manage DNS zones for your server. You need to configure bind for multiple domains on your server before, than you can use same IP and DNS zone details for both domains. If you need to do it by yourself, then you will find several tutorials on this by searching via google specific to your OS in use (debian, ubuntu, etc.) Use the keywords dns zone multiple domains
  9. Qual versao Prestashop ? Qual versao php em uso ? O erro vem da versao php em uso em combinacao com a versao Prestashop em uso. Tente usar outra versao php.
  10. @luishuaymana , apesar dos idiomas Espanhol e Português serem parecidos, agradeceria que respeitasse o idioma da seção do fórum em que está a postar. Fórum Português somente vão tópicos e posts em PORTUGUÊS. Grata pela colaboração!
  11. O Prestashop em sua versao standard nao server para usar como Marketplace. Para isto existem módulos pagos extras. Se vc. quiser uma software gratuíta, aconselho usar o Wordpress para tal que de antemao permite usuários com poderes admin.
  12. Isto depende muito do tamanho da sua loja e do que estiver instalado acima do Prestashop (por ex. Wordpress ou outra aplicacao) no seu webspace. Para poder crescer com a loja eu recomendaria 50GB que hoje já é standard...
  13. Which Prestashop version ? Which php-version in use ? The error is coming from a non compatible php-version you are using and the prestashop version in use. Try another php version. BTW PS 1.7. is not yet compatible with php 7.4 !!! https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/basics/installation/system-requirements/
  14. Check, if in your database in ps_configuration table the logo isn't added added twice. Once as .jpg and once as png.
  15. Not really. You can grant access by groups, but Prestashop is not intended to be a marketplace. It is a shopsoftware for one company. If you want to have a marketplace you can buy addons here: https://addons.prestashop.com/de/search.php?search_query=marketplace If you want something free than wordpress should be the better option for you, as it is capable to have users as admin.
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