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  1. Hi, I increased the jqZoom size, but after it the jqzoom moved to the front of the of image, so wasn't working properly, but, i went to "js\jquery\plugins\jqzoom\jquery.jqzoom.js" and i added some values, i got the help from a post that i saw in the forum. this is the change I did: $(this).hover(function() { var imageRelativeLeft = $(this).get(0).offsetLeft; var imageLeft = $($(this).get(0)).offset().left; var imageRelativeTop = $(this).get(0).offsetTop + 100; var imageTop = $($(this).get(0)).offset().top; var imageWidth = $(this).get(0).offsetWidth; var imageHeight = $(this).get(0).offsetHeight; the "+100" was the change, and worked from the top to the bottom, the jqZoom got down, but in the "offsetLeft" so I can move right to left wasn't working, I added values in the "var imageLeft", the "var imageRelativeLeft", increasing or reducing(+100, -100), and none worked. So it is now like this: How do i position the jqZoom in the side of the image? Thank's
  2. I use 1.5.6, i didnt host yet the site cuz is not ready. And im not sure what information more I can provide. I believe that the standart category module isnt the one im using, because i downloaded the theme and im editing it, and its pretty similar to this: http://www.leotheme.com/demo/prestashop14x/?template=leo_sportshoes see if this information helps, thank's
  3. Hi, I would like to make the products in the category bigger, photos bigger, text bigger, how? product im talking about is what is inside the red rectangle: Thank's
  4. Hi, I would like to force people to put at least 10 numbers in the phone area when they are adding the address, the reason is so they put the area code too, in my country(brazil) we call this DDD. When they put less than 10 numbers the error message is supossed to guide them, or show them why things went wrong, for example, saying they must put the area code(DDD). There's a way? I use PS 1.5.6. Thank's.
  5. Hi, how do I translate "Order" in the tab when i'm checking out the product? This is what im talking about:
  6. don't, the dark spots stay there. Firefox the problem doesn't happen. I think i'll ignore this until i host the site, maybe is my computer. thank's!
  7. Thank's for your reply. My site isn't hosted yet. And I use chrome, and with IE this didn't happen! What should I do them? O:
  8. Hi, when I close this image(and others, this one is the example): this happens: why? how can I fix this? Thank's! ps: if I refresh the page everything is back to normal.
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