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  1. Did you find a solution to this problem? I have the same problem, but also just accessing the catalog price rules is very slow sometimes.
  2. Is it possible to add the Store Contact Information to the order confirmation page? The page where the payment method is selected and where the customer has to agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. Hello, Thank you for your message. I got one step further, but I still don't know how to update show_price. For example if I do: $product = $params['smarty']->getTemplateVars('product'); print_r('ProductAdditionalInfo - show_price: ' . $product['show_price']); inside the hook displayProductAdditionalInfo, I get the expected value "ProductAdditionalInfo - show_price: 1". However if I try to update show_price within $product: $product->show_price = 0; I get the error: "Trying to set the index show_price of the LazyArray PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray already defined by a method is not allowed" I tried to find how to update fields of LazyArray but without any success. If I try to do the similarly in the hook FilterProductContent $product = $params['object']; print_r('FilterProductContent - show_price: ' . $product['show_price']); $product['show_price'] = 0; I get the same error. I general I think that the hook FilterProductContent is more appropriate for changing show_price, but I am stuck with this simple problem of updating this field.
  4. Is it possible to modify a smarty product variable (for example $product.show_price) from a display hook associated to the product page (for example displayProductAdditionalInfo) in a module?
  5. Here is the module, in case somebody else has the same problem: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/registration-ordering-process/44392-customer-address-at-registration.html
  6. Hello, Here it is a module that does exactly this: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/registration-ordering-process/44392-customer-address-at-registration.html The address is recorded in the address table, and when the country is changed, the form is updated with the corresponding states, if the new country has states.
  7. Hello, I would like to write a module to add the address fields to the registration page. I managed so far to add them to the form using the hook additionalCustomerFormFields. I also managed to validate the new fields via validateCustomerFormFields, and access then via actionCustomerAccountAdd. However I don't know how to update the form when the country is changed (update the state field). I see that when I change the country, there is an ajax request to the server, but it is different from the similar request when adding a new address. I would like if possible to reuse the mechanism implemented when country changes when editing or adding an address.
  8. I have implemented a module where I define the hook for ActionOrderStatusPostUpdate. In this hook I get the order status and the order id. Is it possible to obtain here the xml for this order, exactly how it is constructed by the webservice: http://webservice.prestashop.com/api/orders/12345? Any help will be appreciated.
  9. Thank you. I followed your advice. I have been doing my backup, but also the upgrade module backup, just to be sure, but from now on, I will do only my own backup. I cannot afford to have the shop offline for hour(s) and I don't want to delete the statistics data. On the other hand, I don't understand why Prestashop is not doing faster backup using mysqldump.
  10. I am using the 1-click update to update my shop. I don't understand why 1-click update needs so much time to backup the database when mysqldump manages to create a copy of the same database under one minute.
  11. Where is that parameter (to send discount information to PayPal)?
  12. Hello, I did not solve the problem, but I managed to investigate it further. I took a copy of my shop, and set it up as a test. I also set up PayPal sandbox. I have only 2 digits after the dot (23.05 Euro). However I have also a Catalog Price Rule of 10% discount, and this seems to cause these problems. Prestashop calculates the total for a product by applying the discount to the full amount. For example if I have 10 products, each costing 10.09, then the total is (10 * 10.09 * 90% = 90.81) However, in the list of products, Prestashop shows the price (10.09*90% = 9.08). It seems that it sends this price to PayPal, together with the quantity 10. So of course the two amounts will not match. I did not have this problem before installing This seems a bug. This now happens in my shop quite often, and customers think that they made a mistake, they try again, and they are charged twice. The products also stay available. Another annoying problem, when using the PayPal sandbox is that after a payment, prestashop shows status "Awaiting PayPal payment" instead of "Payment accepted", or the error for the payment amount.
  13. After installing the new version I got the following problem when a customer payed for an order with PayPal. The order has a warning: Warning 310,21 € paid instead of 310,23 €, however the payment was charged, but order was not marked as complete. The products were still available, and the customer placed the order 3 times, always with the same error, and with the customer being charged. I don't know if it is related to the version, but this is the first and only order that I have so far after upgrading to from Any help will be appreciated. Viorel
  14. [solved] Is this what you mean? I cannot find anywhere to set the status solved.
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