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Maxime Biloé

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Maxime Biloé last won the day on September 18 2015

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About Maxime Biloé

  • Birthday 04/12/1989

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  1. You can do it from your cloud user account: https://www.prestashop.com/cloud/en/domains Just click on "Settings" > "Set as primary domain" on the line of your domain name. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6uv7kp_UKPWZHIxQXhPaV90Rkk
  2. Hello, You just need to set your domain name as primary domain for your shop into your customer account. Best regards
  3. Hello tonio_fr, The support has resolved your issue and your SSL certificate should be activated soon. Do not hesitate to contact our support team through your customer account. Regards
  4. Hi @john_vlahidis, Your DNS zone has been updated and your SSL should be active soon. Regards.
  5. Hello, As it's indicated in our documentation, you can only use SSL certificates bought directly from your user account with your Cloud store. Regards
  6. Please, contact our Support team through your support tab in your cloud account. They will be able to help you.
  7. Your problem has been solved. As @selectshop.at said, do not hesitate to use the support tab if you have another problem. Regards
  8. Hello, I invite you to get in touch with our support team directly into your customer account on PrestaShop.com. Best regards.
  9. Hello, Unfortunately you can't use an SSL certificate you bought elsewhere. The certificate needs to be installed on the server side and it's not possible to install a certificate you already have. If you still want to protect your shop, you'll have to get a new SSL certificate directly from your customer account on PrestaShop.com Best regards.
  10. I've seen with our support team and your issue seems to be solved now. You are able to order an SSL certificate. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
  11. When you activate SSL on your entire shop in your back-office, all the links with http protocol are automatically redirected to the same address with https protocol. This is true for both (download and cloud) versions. As selectshop.at said, once the certificate is well installed on the server (it's done automatically for cloud users), there is no problem for using https protocol. Regards.
  12. When we say "Your pswebstore.com domain is already secured" this is because we already provide an SSL certificate for *.pswebstore.com and *.pswebshop.com. So if you're using one of those addresses, you can activate the SSL in your back-office, in the "Preferences" tab. But if you are using a custom domain name, like "myshop.com", you'll have to buy an SSL certificate to be able to secure your shop. Best regards.
  13. If you have several domains, you'll have to get an SSL certificate for each one.
  14. An SSL certificate is valid for one year. You'll have to renew it each years.
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