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Eli Ivanova

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About Eli Ivanova

  • Birthday February 12

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  1. the only workaround I found is to change date_add via web service edit after creation of the product.
  2. Hello, Using Prestashop web services API I imported successfully large number of products. The issue I have is that it seems not possible to insert custom dates for a product (both date_add & date_upd). I'm using the following code: $webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG); $xml = $webService -> get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/products?schema=blank')); $resources = $xml -> children() -> children(); $resources->date_add = '2011-06-06 15:01:17'; $resources->date_upd = '2011-06-06 15:42:17'; It works well for categories, but for products the system always inserts the current date&time. Is there anyone with the same issue? Any help on resolving that? Thank you.
  3. a better solution to retrieve the last created id after add call would be the following $xml = $webService -> add($opt); $result = $xml->children()->children(); $id_product = $result->{'id'};
  4. could you share which files you have changed? Thanks.
  5. hello shaktishakya, I know what you mean, but I couldn't find the solution for this. It is not straightforward, because the real amount is calculated and the currency is processed also. So, I decided to hide this line in this template. At that very moment, after completing the payment, this information is not so important, as the user has already received the email with the exact figures.
  6. vansrv7, I agree that solving those two issues would improve usability of the module. I can say about (1) - if you apply my patch above, there will always be a wishlist, so no need of popup with message.
  7. I found a solution. Let me first mention that Wishlist shall not be created at the moment of customer registration, because the Wishlist module is not mandatory and may not be installed. Instead the default wishlist behavior shall be set within the module blockwishlist. To do that in modules/blockwishlist/blockwishlist.php, in the function hookRightColumn, line 188 (for PS version - there is if statement: if (!sizeof($wishlists)) $id_wishlist = false; It shall be replaced with: if (!sizeof($wishlists)) { $wishlist = new WishList(); $wishlist->id_shop = 1; $wishlist->id_shop_group = 1; $wishlist->counter = 1; $wishlist->name = 'my wishlist'; $wishlist->id_customer = (int)($this->context->customer->id); list($us, $s) = explode(' ', microtime()); srand($s * $us); $wishlist->token = strtoupper(substr(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)._COOKIE_KEY_.$this->context->customer->id), 0, 16)); $wishlist->add(); $this->context->cookie->id_wishlist = (int)($wishlist->id); $id_wishlist = (int)($wishlist->id); }
  8. Hi, is there any progress on Cyrillic URLs? I'm using Prestashop v1.5.6.0, but it is still not possible to set a user friendly SEO Cyrillic URLs. Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. thanks for your help razaro. Yes, I tried this Digital products menu on the left, but was not able to associate files, as after clicking on the wrench icon, a message appears saying that the content couldn't be displayed. I tried to contact the developers, but they didn't answer my questions. Digitalique is the first module I have paid for, and I am very disapointed - it doesn't work properly, very poor documentation, not responding suppliers.
  10. it happened that the file upload works in Chrome, but not FF (I'm using v.26), apparently there is a problem with the corresponding JS in FF. I have several files uploaded now, but I do not see how to associate files with a product. Where is this tab for associating files?
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