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About omgzhobbs

  • Birthday 01/19/1989

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    Brighton, UK
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  1. Yeah the code has masses of {'s and }'s, I didnt even think about that.. how would I work around this? I need the code to ideally load in the first 256kb of data aswell.. tricky one with so many files loading at the same time.
  2. So I am trying to add a experimental google analytics code to my websites header, the normal code works fine as it is through a module, however I need to add a special piece of code to my header and no matter where or how I place this code, the website then loads blank? Anyone know why this? The forum is blocking me adding the code.. SO i have attached it as a text file... ok I am unable to attach it as a text file as well for some reason :/ I have also tried adding {literal} to the beginning and end and although the website then loads, google is still unable to find the code within the website.. am I missing something or is this just not possible?
  3. Hello, So our website has quite a lot of categories, which are needed because of the huge range of products we do and our shop doubles as our catalog. Basically I was wondering how it would be possible to compress the menu into a more responsive design, on a monitor the menu is fine being this large, although making it smaller would be beneficial, maybe if I could put it into a large vertical box, but one which when on a smaller screen would ever change to a drop down menu, or just vanish, or at least go into a scroll-able box? Anyone have any ideas on what I could do menu wise to make our website easier on the eye, and more pleasant to use on a mobile? As at the moment, when viewed on a phone, you have to scroll past our massive menu just to get to the page content.. Hope this makes sense! Thanks
  4. Ok, I figured out how to change it on the current version. In the following code, found in Manufacturer.php in classes/, go to around line 174 where you will see; '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('manufacturer', 'm'); if ($active) $sql .= ' WHERE m.`active` = 1'; $sql .= ' GROUP BY m.id_manufacturer ORDER BY m.`name` ASC'. ($p ? ' LIMIT '.(((int)$p - 1) * (int)$n).','.(int)$n : ''); And remove the following piece of codes; $sql .= ' GROUP BY m.id_manufacturer ORDER BY m.`name` ASC'. and replace with; $sql.= ' ORDER BY RAND()'. Now the images on the sidebar for Manufacturers will always load at random, displaying different ones each time the page loads. Hope this is helpful to anyone needing to do this
  5. Does anyone have a up-to-date version of these mods? Ive tried everything here and it just results in my website loading blank.. really desperate to figure out how to randomize manufactures logos. At least in the side left box list. thanks!!
  6. Hey, I was wondering how I would go about changing the built in module, Manufacturers List, so that it shows them randomized, rather than always the same ones? Been looking about in the code of the php and tpl file, and unable to see anything which looks changeable. This is the module I'm referring to, which is one of the default Prestashop modules. Link: www.zappies.com
  7. I have also attached the php file, anything i can change in this to force the setting? blockfiltersearch.php
  8. For some reason the module 'Filter Search Block' will not change the settings.. I have no idea who made this module as there is no name on the module and it originally was put on the website by my companies old web designer. I have searched the SQL database for the settings, but can not find anything and I have also tried playing around with the .tpl file and I am unable to add the drop down menu for manufacturers. Anyone able to help me out with this? Feeling very lost.. Not sure what code/access people will need to check on this for me, so please feel free to ask me more questions if needed. www.zappies.com (its the top bit with the drop down categories list, which also should be showing another one for manufactures but is not due to the issue with settings not changing) Thanks!
  9. Ace thanks for the help. So for example; {if $nbManufacturers > 0} <ul id="manufacturers_list"> {foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturers} <li class="clearfix {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturers.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.manufacturers.last}last_item{else}item{/if}"> <div class="left_side"> <!-- logo --> <div class="logo"> {if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}<a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="lnk_img">{/if} <img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-medium_default.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" /> {if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}</a>{/if} </div> The part of code which says medium_default.jpg should be replaced with manumed_default.jpg (or whatever the new set is named to), also mediumSize.width should be changed to manumedSize.width etc? ... and then I guess I should regenerate all the thumbnails which are due to be changed? Thanks loads again!
  10. What is the issue you are having? Is the file not uploading? Or is the file not working correctly with the import? More information would be helpful on fixing the issue I struggled at first with the import function but eventually its very easy and will be like second nature.
  11. Ace thanks, I am guessing its like this because of me changing those settings for manufactures images. How would I change it just for products without it effect the manufacturing images which are using the same setting? Hope that makes sense! Thanks loads
  12. Ok I have figured it out, when disabling products in bulk via SQL you have to edit more than one database. ps_product and also ps_product_shop little bit odd, but ive noticed anything you do via SQL needs to be done twice, usually in another table full of similar data. [solved]
  13. Usually I just delete the products, but this time I generally just need to disable a few things will prices are reworked, so ideally I want to avoid having to remove them all and then go though the painful process of individually assigning RRP prices and images to each product. However after disabling all of the products, they are still showing up in the shop for purchase.. they show in the 'new products' module as well as any category they are assigned to.. any idea why disabling them does nothing? It shows the red cross in the back office, but yet nothing has changed.. Here are all of the products which are disabled; http://www.zappies.com/6_winning-moves
  14. Allo, How would I go about showing the image thumbnails below the product image as smaller more square boxes? Ideally fitting in more than 2, and having a min of 4 images show at the bottom.. there is actually three images on this product, but you are unable to see that :/ Here is a link to the page: http://www.zappies.com/animagic/2903-animagic-rescue-hospital-air-ambulance.html Thanks!
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