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  1. .cs-menu-container .menu-item > a:hover { color: #be6bb0; background: transparent; } #be6bb0 this is pink color code.
  2. Have you checked with smtp mail option ? Swift.php
  3. Hi Grapheezy, You can find the css in http://demo.presthemes.com/jewelry_handmade/themes/ps_t_jewelry/css/modules/csmegamenu/css/front/csmegamenu.css with class .cs-menu-container .menu-item > a:hover
  4. Hi grapheezy, After install this module, you need to put link manually in menu module's tpl.
  5. Fsm, You can follow mdekker instruction. It will solve your issue. You can get this file in ROOT\classes\cache\ folder. File name is cache.php
  6. If you can share your site url then it will be easiest to find issue.
  7. Hi, Do you have custom code on this page ? Because if you have sufficient memory_limit and getting issue then you have some issue with code. Thanks
  8. Hi, Actually issue in your theme product.tpl file. You can comment this code from your tpl. or remove with take a backup of file. Then it will be work fine. In your product.tpl file, there are two quantity_wanted boxes. One is hide by css and another one is showing on proper position. So please remove my quoted code. You can check this screenshot https://s3.amazonaws.com/diigo/9027923_309703947_22549225?AWSAccessKeyId=0R7FMW7AXRVCYMAPTPR2&Expires=1459693039&Signature=BVbY25CmDklfrxbrWudn%2FvI5tPw%3D
  9. Hi, Problem is that number 1 pagination is always treat as current and active li. Thats why pagination with 1 is not working in your site. If you have purchased module for this functionality then contact with module creator.
  10. Hi, In the backoffice, Is it showing right configuration of custom menu ?
  11. Please share your site url so we can check issue in js or html.
  12. Ok, Can you provide this module zip file ? Then I will check and show you demo on my site. After that I will charge with reasonable price.
  13. Are you using any type of module for friendly url ?
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