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  1. Hello, I am also having this problem, the ajax javascript error is 500 (internal server error) when one attempts to check out or create an account. EDIT: Fixed. The change to ObjectModel proposed here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/a043e190daae207bdda1a6a181aee931c3edb4a7 changed the logic of the if else condition and resulted in the values not being saved to $this->{$field}. Correcting the logic error fixed the problem.
  2. To close the loop in case others in the future are searching, I was able to restore from these backup files by: Logging into my sql admin site, exporting the current database (just in case), then dropping all tables and importing tables from these sql.bz2 files in numeric order. To speed it up, they can be decompressed and the .sql sequences inside merged/concatenated together (I merged 10 at a time).
  3. OK, given the silence, it appears that restoring a backup DOES rely on your browser's web cache of a page that no longer exists after a failed upgrade. This is terrible design and the page should contain a warning: CAUTION: DO NOT NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THIS PAGE IF YOU WISH TO RESTORE YOUR SHOP! I now have 147 database backup files named : auto-backupdb_000001_V1.5.6.0_20190304-221520-41b7435c.sql.bz2 auto-backupdb_000002_V1.5.6.0_20190304-221520-41b7435c.sql.bz2 etc. Does anyone know how to use these to restore my db?
  4. Hi, I'm getting a little desperate here. I've made a backup of my store and have restored it from failed 1-click upgrade in the past. This time after the update failed with the infamous and common "jqXHR:" error, I clicked away to check on something, and can't find how to get back to the page where I can click to restore the shop from the backup. Clicking '1-click update' just gives an error " Error: "install" directory is missing " I can't find the backup restoration page elsewhere in the admin panel, but it must be there, right? Surely the restoration process wouldn't rely on your browsers web cache of a page that's gone in order to work? Help!! thank you. -Background: Trying to upgrade from as my host is forcing an update to PHP 7 which is not backward compatible with PHP 5.
  5. Hi, I've made a backup of my store and have restored it from failed 1-click upgrade in the past. This time after the update failed with the infamous and common "jqXHR:" error, I clicked away to check on something, and can't find how to get back to the page where I can click to restore the shop from the backup. Clicking '1-click update' just gives an error " Error: "install" directory is missing " I can't find the backup restoration page elsewhere in the admin panel, but it must be there, right? Help, thank you. -Trying to upgrade from as my host is forcing an update to PHP 7 which is not backward compatible with PHP 5.
  6. The problem arose when I created an account, used the account via my mobile with responsive enabled, and then used the same account with my regular computer. What solved it was forcing ssl for the entire site. It's not an optimal solution, but it gets around the bug temporarilty till it can be resolved.
  7. The problem is simple: the blockcart should not show 'Free shipping!' when there are no carriers available. Previous solutions have suggested looking at the login status, but that's not directly related to the issue. Here's my solution. Edit blockcart.tpl, find the section <span id="cart_block_shipping_cost" class="price ajax_cart_shipping_cost">{$shipping_cost}</span> <span>{l s='Shipping' mod='blockcart'}</span> and replace it with: {if ($shipping_cost_float != 0 ) || (isset($carrier->id) && !is_null($carrier->id))} <span id="cart_block_shipping_cost" class="price ajax_cart_shipping_cost">{$shipping_cost}</span> <span>{l s='Shipping' mod='blockcart'}</span> {/if} This will not allow free shipping to display when there are no carriers. Note, this isn't entirely ajax dynamic in that the blockcart won't update whether shipping displays or not until the page is reloaded or a new page is navigated to. But it works in all important cases (logging out does a page refresh). Hopefully the devs will implement a true dynamic solution, but it seems to work OK.
  8. Hello, I've set up the Mail.php file to not attach the logo to the email, in order to prevent the message being marked as spam. I did this using the suggestions on this forum: commenting two lines and adding lines, as below: /* don't attach the logo as */ //if (isset($logo)) // $template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = $message->attach(new Swift_Message_EmbeddedFile(new Swift_File($logo), null, ImageManager::getMimeTypeByExtension($logo))); //NEW! replacement: if (Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL') !== false && file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL', null, null, $id_shop))){ $logo = _PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL', null, null, $id_shop); $template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = $logo; } else { if (file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO', null, null, $id_shop))){ $logo = _PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO', null, null, $id_shop); $template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = $logo; } else $template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = ''; } However the configuration controller seems to be returning an invalid link for the logo. I'm on shared hosting. The link should be: http://myshop.com/shop/img/logo.jpg But instead it is http://homepages/23/customerID/htdocs/myshop_root_folder/shop/img/logo.jpg It looks like whatever is calculating the link is getting confused by the shared hosting root folders and adding them incorrectly with no domain at the front. How can this be fixed?
  9. http://innolasers.com/shop The search bar moves location after logging in to the same account I had logged in with the phone, and it's only in the wrong location in non-https pages. another oddity.. the site looks slightly different (different CSS) when viewed with https and not, and for example, mousing over the cart in the upper right behaves differently - there is no cart summary that appears without https, unless you just added something to the cart.
  10. Hi, I'm having this same problem after testing my site from a mobile phone via wireless, the same network as my desktop. it's clearly an issue with the hook_mobile returning the wrong value. This is with the free leo_converse theme. Interestingly, if I actually USE the search, it goes to the correct place temporarily until I navigate to a different page. this is with prestashop
  11. This is an interesting bug, and it appears to go way back a few years, and still exists in the latest version Searching around, I found this solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13888321/prestashop-content-only-link-not-working but then, this reversal of the solution was submitted to the source code tree, breaking the conditions display at https: checkout again: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/330 I think a proper solution would be to edit the following files in controllers\front: OrderOpcController.php and ParentOrderController.php find the line $link_conditions = $this->context->link->getCMSLink($cms, $cms->link_rewrite ); and change it to $link_conditions = $this->context->link->getCMSLink($cms, $cms->link_rewrite, Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ); This will work for both shops with ssl and without. Note: I haven't tested this with the Opc style checkout.
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