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    Web development agency

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  1. Hi, Yes, our module has such feature. Regards
  2. It takes product name from order detail table where name is set with attributes data.
  3. In classes/Cart.php comment or delete this code: http://i.imgur.com/j4HA03p.png P.S. After this changes carefully check the operation of the store
  4. In mailalerts.php try delete this code: http://i.imgur.com/4XKxGqv.png
  5. Hi, try this on 4 line: <fieldset {if count($group.attributes) == 1} style="display: none" {/if} class="attribute_fieldset">
  6. Sorry, my address? where i have set it? Can you show me some example of invoice?
  7. Hi, I send payment request, but get failure with message: Can somebody help me, what is wrong in my invoice?
  8. Hi, in PS 1.6 try this: <fieldset style="{if $id_attribute_group==1 || $id_attribute_group==3} display: none; {/if}" class="attribute_fieldset">
  9. Hi, sorry for long answer, find this in product.tpl: <div id="attributes"> {foreach from=$groups key=id_attribute_group item=group} {if $group.attributes|@count} <fieldset class="attribute_fieldset"> <label class="attribute_label" for="group_ And write this, instead of third row: {if count($group.attributes) > 1}
  10. What features must include your filter (just filtering by rating or something else)?
  11. Hi, how your products get rating, some module? Can you show your site?
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