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  1. In your cPanel's php options, increase memory_limit. It worked for me with 512M setting.
  2. That's a good option, thanks a lot for the heads up. But I've prefered to change this file (for a cleaner look): file /src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Improve/ModuleController.php, line 115: --- From: $filters->setType(AddonListFilterType::MODULE | AddonListFilterType::SERVICE) ->removeStatus(AddonListFilterStatus::UNINSTALLED); --- To: $filters->setType(AddonListFilterType::MODULE | AddonListFilterType::SERVICE); Credit goes to @xsbr for this post:
  3. Hi everyone, I am currently working on a PS website, based on v1.7.6.5, and I cannot find a way to display the "not installed" modules. In PS on the drop-down list of "show all modules" I can only see the enabled and disabled modules but not the uninstalled ones. (I can easily do this in PS v1.6 on modules page by applying the specific filter "modules not installed".) Is this happening only on my PS installation, or it's a common issue? How can I view the modules already on the server but not installed yet? Is there any specific code that I could add? Can anyone help, please? Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks for this code, it worked on PS 1.6.1 to eliminate the <Missing field "position"> and <Either "name" or "item.name" should be specified> errors I had from google.
  5. Hi, In case you didn't solve this yet: Delete or comment out these lines: {if $configuration.voucher_enabled && !$configuration.is_catalog} <a class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" id="discounts-link" href="{$urls.pages.discount}"> <span class="link-item"> <i class="material-icons">&#xE54E;</i> {l s='Vouchers' d='Shop.Theme.CustomerAccount'} </span> </a> {/if}
  6. To me, the best solution for this is adding catalog price rules. Go to Price rules/Catalog price rules and add the name of the rule, the group of customers, the discount amount/percentage and the desired category of products, then add conditions that apply to this rule. Save and you're done. This will not change the url's of your products and allow the selection based on various conditions. Working great for me.
  7. I need a solution for this too. The above suggestion works only if you don't care about keeping the same url of the product. Otherwise, by selecting "Non Discounted Product" as default category the product url will automatically change to .../Non Discounted Products/product I'll look for another solution because changing the url of my products is not an option, as it will affect SEO.
  8. I had this error today when upgrading from to I tried increasing PHP limits but that didn't work. What worked for me was changing the PHP version in cPanel, from native 7.1 to 5.6 and enable zip extension in PHP extensions. Hope this helps.
  9. Solution in this thread, thanks to Bellini13: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/558967-161-bcc-all-mail-to-shopowner/?p=2423249 It worked for me.
  10. I have recently integrated Hipay in my friend's web shop and he has been scammed by Hipay. He could withdraw his money only the first time. After that he could not withdraw his money and received no explanation from Hipay. He wrote emails asking for explanations, but never received any. I am afraid he lost his money to this scammer. You have been warned: Stay away!
  11. Very helpful reply...and thanks for advertising a module that has 80 five star ratings, out of 500 downloads...
  12. You can install the latest version of this module: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/204935-override-friendly-urls-without-id-number-for-v15/?hl=%2Burls and then make the proper settings according to the developer. It works for me. It will also remove the numbers in your url's. I hope this helps.
  13. Great solution, GRAZIE teodoropiccinni!
  14. Salut, Eroarea este din cauza ca serverul nu permite executarea anumitor fisiere. Solutia este sa instalezi manual fisierele respective, asa cum este explicat aici: https://gist.github.com/Shudrum/27fc534de69c96617280 Salvezi fisierul .zip potrivit pentru versiunea ta, apoi le upload-ezi manual in folderele respective. Succes!
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