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    Alexandria, VA
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  1. Do you want to import your store inventory to etsy? Rick
  2. I don't believe you can set the weight of a category. You need to set the weight of each individual product.
  3. I don't like using the product creation date as I don't think that is what it is intended for. Something you might consider is add the future products in their own invisible product category. Then you can just change the category of each product as you wish to make them "active".
  4. Sorry that didn't work. There are modules that allow you to do this. Here is one I found: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/fast-mass-updates/17438-mass-product-quantity-price-update.html. I'm sure there are others as well. I offer a daily quantity update service for $5 per month for any number of products if you are interested.
  5. I think if you have a file containing only the reference and quantity and you load that only those existing products that match the reference will be updated with the new quantity. You can easily check this with just a few products in your CSV.
  6. The import is trying to import to a field called "id_product_redirected" and apparently there is no such field in the database. Are you using the built in import of PS or are you using someone's external import program? This could happen if the import you are using is for the wrong version of PS.
  7. When you create your product CSV there is a field named "Text if back-order allowed". Just enter your desired text for each product in that field in double quotes.
  8. You would need to write an SQL Query to accomplish this. It would look something like this: SELECT p.*, s.* FROM ps_product p LEFT JOIN ps_supplier s ON (s.id_supplier = p.id_supplier) WHERE p.active = 1
  9. It probably doesn't like the periods in the email address. Since gmail will remove them anyway, try it after removing the periods from the addresses. For the names, you could use (first name) and (last name) as the default and as you said, have the customers edit them.
  10. Each category or subcategory has an ID number. Use these numbers in the product CSV categories column instead of the names of the categories. If you have more than one category for a product separate the numbers with commas. E.g. "45,56,100". Try that on a couple of products in a small CSV to see if it works.
  11. If you send me your CSV I can take a look at it. No promises.
  12. Yes. All you need to update the description is a CSV with two fields. Either the sku or the product id in one field and the new description in the other. And you only need to include those products whose description you are changing.
  13. FYI, if you ever need to change just one field, you can create a CSV with only two fields, one with the id or product sku and one with the data you want to change.
  14. You can upload all the images to a directory on your server then using a product import import a file containing only the sku and image URL for all the products. Try this with one product then expand to all products after you get it working.
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