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  1. Hi, I've had the same issue and searched sometime to solve this. It's documented at http://doc.prestasho...+PrestaShop+1.5 paragraph 'E-mail template translations' To translate the subject headers of mail messages generated by /controllers/front/ContactController.php look into the file /themes/name_of_the_theme/mails/iso_code/lang.php This file contains translations of the mail subjects. For the dutch language I've added the following lines to the file /themes/name_of_the_theme/mails/nl/lang.php to translate the ContactController.php generated e-mail messages: $_LANGMAIL['Your message has been correctly sent #ct%1$s #tc%2$s'] = 'Uw bericht is verstuurd #ct%1$s #tc%2$s'; $_LANGMAIL['Your message has been correctly sent'] = 'Uw bericht is verstuurd'; !! BE AWARE !! Always be aware to close each line with a semicolon ;. If you forget this tiny character, the complete site will fail to load when you upload the modified translation file!! If you get stuck into this nightmare, get yourself a strong cup of coffee because it might take you all night searching for this little character. The default translation for in ContactController.php $_LANGMAIL['Message from contact form\').\' [no_sync]'] = 'Bericht van contactenformulier\'). [no_sync]'; does not seem to work properly. Reduce this translation to the first section only $_LANGMAIL['Message from contact form'] = 'Bericht van contactformulier'; This line only translates the first section of the subject line and works just fine. Hope this answer will help someone save some time
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